[Theme] Default Flat

Hey guys I created this theme a while back and have been using it for some time now, It can be described as very similar to the default theme but flat, I would say that in my opinion the theme could be considered much more modern.

The download link is a direct download link from my github start up repository, in the zip is; default_flat.xml

I keep the repository there as a personal backup your welcome to try out my default set-up if you would like.

:: Download ::

Let me know what you guys think


Personally I like to see well the grid in the 3D view so I boosted the Grid grey to (0.5, 0.5, 0.5). For the rest I am trying it. Are you going to upload it to Blendswap?

I don’t know, for now it will only be here.

I like it, now you just need to figure out how to get rid of the rounded corners and we will have a modern blender UI. :slight_smile:

On that note I included a default.blend, the layout I have been using for some time now, enjoy.

I’ll keep my layout but I’m gonna keep using your theme.

Looks nice :slight_smile:

Made same saturation tweaks to the red and blue bone groups, disabled the 3D gradient.

Changed the original layout’s name from ‘Default’ to ‘View’ in the default.blend, this keeps the layout next to ‘View Full’ in the layout datablock list, for quicker changes with CTRL-Right or Left.

Also changed the rest of the names, here are all the names of the layouts in order;

Game Logic
Motion Track
UV Texture
View Full

I feel like this results in a better layout order while not having to resort to using a more order able prefix.


I adjusted the text editor and console colors, not very blender like but I feel they are much nicer, you decide;

Went through and adjusted each of the bone group colors, and added the last 5 in.

Updated the theme download, I have made some slight tweaks here and there to improve visibility of things.