Rusty "Moskvitch"

Hi, here is my latest scene. I wanted to make something post-apocalyptic with my old car model.

Whoa that looks great! can we see some wireframes?

nice work, a bit too dark on places, but good job overall

Looks fantastic! I don’t think some areas are too dark :

Many years ago I was part of a photographers club and they always wanted to see detail in even the darkest areas of an image, back then that was very tricky to do without the HDR techniques used these days to get the most out of your light and dark areas. It is a great tool to have these days and the technique is very useful … but not always. Sometimes it sacrifices the concept of mood and becomes surreal.

I once watched the extras in the making of “How to train your dragon” and in there they discussed a workshop the cg artists did with one or other film expert/s and they specifically debunked this line of thought regarding dark areas. I learnt something new that day and revised my thought process towards dark areas. Sometimes the mood is only totally realized by having very/completely dark areas.

this looks great!

really like this work. I agree that it is a little too contrasty that’s why the blacks are a little too crushed but hey if that’s your style then stick with it. a histogram in most photo manip programs will help you balance out the values better but over all I like it.

Nicely done

Thanks for feedback!
Some more stuff: