Brazilian macaw receives the first beak on titanium 3D printing

Breaked beak scanned by photogrammetry, Santos (Brazil)
Modeled on Blender 3D, Sinops (Brazil)
Printed in CTI Retato Archer, Campinass (Brazil)
Surgery on Animal Care, São Paulos (Brazil)

That’s simultaneously very weird and very awesome.

And am I the only one who thought of

It’s good to see Blender being used for such a worthy cause.

They could try some different designs instead of the natural one.

very cool stuff! congrats :smiley:

That new beak should do well for the bird until the technology to grow a natural one for it matures.

Scientists are using printers now to create structures that later become actual bone for instance, it’s only a matter of time before the titanium beaks are obsolete (not to worry though, 3D software will probably have a place with that tech. as well).

how long before the CIA work out a way to weaponise parrots w/ titanium beaks?

Unless the CIA managed to create a little avian version of Iron Man’s suit (seen in post #4). It wouldn’t be practical because the birds with 3D printed beaks would have no critical advantage over those that still have natural ones.

@ohsnapitsjoel Lol. Thank you!
@const Hahaha, great!
@MmAaXx Thank you!
@Ace_Dragon We hope this!
@wolfie138 :smiley: :smiley: