
Recent render of a snowy building during sunset.

Damn dude! this is truly a great picture it must have taken ages to render this picture with all that grass in this huge scene.
The other day i saw some work for both Eli M R and manitwo and they truly inspired me to make my own nature scene and add to them your picture well that settle it a nature scene will be my next project and i hope that the end result will be close to all of your amazing works.

Thanks thats awesome looking forward to seeing your render.

Excellent work, very nice mood.

i can said only one word: WOW!!!

p.s. any tutorial for that art?

this is fantastic! seriously! the ground is incredibly well done!

This is a really great scene. 4 Stars from me.
I especially like to ground, it looks really realistic.
The only thing i noticed is the repeating pattern on the churchs wall.

In my opinion this is just great work, not a single element to nitpick on. The picture itself, for me, just captures a cold winter day in the middle of nowhere.

Thank you :slight_smile:

I dont have a tutorial I can try to record my screen next time if I remember too:)

Thank you very much.

Thanks and yeah I was trying to get the wall to look as natural as possible probably should have tried substance painter to make it look better.

Thanks man :slight_smile:

Simply awesome.
Could you tell how did you make foliage and what shaders did you use ?

I usually never commenting works of others here but this frosty grass is so realistic that i almost can feel a cold air on my cheeks)) Looking forward to see your nodes setups for the grass and maybe the ice.

Look fabulous! I like it a lot. Great work on the meadow, five stars.

Without a doubt amazing work; this grass took my breath away. This brick wall texture, though, focused my eyes first… regularity of this pattern is way too visible.

Thanks glad you like it heres the node set up for the grass its a combination of and to give the grass a snowy look.

Thanks a lot glad you like it :slight_smile:

Looks a lot like frost. Isn’t it more a sunrise ?