Microsoft Surface Tablet, can it run Blender

not sure what is the best forum for this thread, but I was wondering if the Microsoft Surface tablet can run Blender for sculpting and modeling. I am less concerned with rendering.

thank you for any insight.

only the surface pro.

It runs windows so can run windows applications. The blender download page has a version of blender that runs on windows.

I know Blender runs fine on Windows 10. I was more worried about whether the Microsoft Surface (Pro) would be able to let me scuplt and such durning my extended hospital stays, were i could not take my desktop.

thanks agian for everyones insight.

yes its fine for blender/zbrush

Runs but the interface text and buttons are so small it makes it hard to work it.

Haven’t found a work around that yet.

You can change Blender’s text size on the User Preferences System tab:


You may also look to change the ‘Virtual Pixel Mode’ from ‘Native’ to ‘Double’ instead of changing the DPI

You are outstanding!!!
Thank you!!! Seriously this is just what i was looking for.

Will this change the way textures and lighting are displayed on an object or does this only effect the interface?
Thank you for the suggestion.

The operating system must not say RT at the end like Windows 8 RT
I have tried it and returned the surface for more reasons than that. It was the first version of the surface.
There are other tablets that run windows. You might want to check them out.

Will this change the way textures and lighting are displayed on an object or does this only effect the interface?

Won’t affect textures & lighting. Try it out and see.