Render Distance

I am trying to use this feature, but the issue I have with Blender’s render distance system is that it doesn’t give you an option to ignore certain objects that you need visible at all times(or does it?)

For example: I want render distance because I am making an online game. I want render distance to cut out vertices so the vertices count is kept at the minimum during play time. But, some things I want to keep visible and never cut out. For example: the sky box, clouds, sun, etc.

Easiest option would be to use scene_actuator in add_background_scene mode and have all the “background” on another scene. This way, your skybox can be really small, but drawn behind everything.

The issue with that is my background scene doesn’t end up showing up…

Oh, I am so dumb. You need to add a camera. Derp.

If you make the second camera to copy rotation of the first one, you’ll have it with one frame latency. It’s no big deal normally, because of the fast fps, but for better synchronization you may want to move them in the exact same time.