(BGE) Can't get very close to other objects without hitting an invisible wall?

Hello, I have been making a project where I make a little game with Blender Game Engine. It is first person, so I am moving my camera, with a capsule collision bounds.

The issue I have been having is that I can’t seem to get closer than 2 feet from any object. This can become an issue when I am trying to give the impression of enclosed spaces, for example. Is there a way to edit how the collision bounds of an object behaves?

My only workaround to part of this problem when making big rooms is placing ‘no collision’ planes to represent my walls at around where the invisible collisions start for the actual room walls.

This still does not help for when I try to approach things to pick up, the proximity limitations forcing me to reach beyond arm length, or walk through an opened door, which forces me to move a bit to the side in order to walk through.

There is the Collision Margin property in the Physics Properties window under Rigid Body Collisions. Try setting it to about .005. The Blender documents also state that objects should be at least 2 cm in size for the physics to work properly, so make sure that’s not an issue.