Translucent mesh still producing mesh shadow

(Because this seems to be a pre-requesite. I’ll point out right now that I’m using Blender 2.77 and this is all being worked on with the Cycles engine, so the question is based around it)

Anyways, on to the new issue on hand (because I seem to be encountering a lot of these when ti comes to texturing and materials, it seems). I’m trying to apply a transparent texture on a mesh, but the mesh is still producing a shadow (as opposed to the texture). Is there something I’m doing wrong here?

What’s odd is that I was able to get to work normally with the hair. So why the lashes won’t follow suit is the thing that’s baffling me.


Have you tried enabling the transparent shadows option in the material settings. By default it’s enabled for new materials so you must have disabled it for some reason

You have transparent shadows turned off in the settings panel. Turning them back on should fix it.