How to create and animate a fold in the character

Hello I am trying to create and animate a fold in a character (it can be a curve or a mesh) onto itself

Here is an example of the character folding onto itself (the first scene with the ballet boards):

here is a screen shot of my attempt to create two faces and use the middle edge as pivot point for the flip.(180degree rotate along the x axis). Any suggestions on how I can approach this problem are very welcome. Im sure there is a simple solution but its beating me. many thanks.

Regards: The Golden Ribbon


The absolutely easiest way is to create your mesh (Do I assume here you want to fold the number 8 in half?). Then place a bone on the line of the pivot - X axis in you case. the assign all the vertices of the top half to that bone, then rotate the bone to fold the mesh in half. I used this method to create a duo-dodecahedron that starts life as a flat object, like a piece of paper then automatically folds up into its finished shape. If you are still struggling, let me know and I will make you a simple mock up. You can use two bones, assign all the rest of the mesh to the second one, then you can fold the mesh in half and then move/rotate the whole thing. The first bone I described would be a child of the second, inheriting rotation and location.

Cheers, Clock.


I found this blend file I did for another BA member some time ago, it might help you, just press play to see it working, there are two models in there, It might make more sense to just show one at a time…

fold-out.blend (877 KB)

The armatures are on one of the hidden layers. Oh yes, your video doesn’t play for some reason…