Light Texture with easy controls?

Hey Guys,

I’m working on a projection light with short texts for an animation project. I set up the basic light setting, so the text is projected to an object. The problem i have now is, that it’s very difficult to rotate the light source and projecting the text with a different angle onto an object. My current setting only allows me to project it upside down. I also have a problem with the height scaling. The text should be showing up on the object only once and when i rescale it appears multiple times.

Basic Setting

Current Setting

I already tried to clamp the Light source to a plane, so that it follows the plane in rotation and location, but the node settings don’t work either in this situation and the text gets lost.

Desired Look

Blend File:

So what I’m trying to achieve is a Light settup, where i can easily rotate the Text in the middle of the light source around it’s own texture center and is only displayed once and not depending on the size of the light source.

I hope, you can help me with this one. Thanks in advance.

Greetings, Jo


Could use UV Project modifier…

yes, that was my first thought too. The problem is , that in the bigger scenes i’m working on, the projection should hit more than one object.

Ok… Point taken.

haha, thank you. OMG, i was so focussed on lightning texture, that i didn’t think of a simple plane with transparency pass. Thank you very much.

You’re welcome! ;).
Good luck with a project!