Short Demo-Reel like Animation


I present you an animation that started from individual projects (from October 2015 until January 2015) that consisted in still image projects, and animated them later so that I can �tell� the story of the stories.
All models were done in Blender and rendered in Cycles.
I spent another two months just to animate and redo some parts of the animation.
Please do feel free to comment, as this is my first non technical animation, and it would help a bunch to improve! :o


that’s quite deep…!!:slight_smile: but quite nice in places, especially change of focus at 2:03. Maybe you don’t need quite as complex camera move round the palace at the end?

Thank you for you reply:) in truth the story hasis a bit more… It tells about the time it takes to make a decission that will stay forever just like Love You should stay forever - written in MORSE code with the help of the castle lights. Also the first words of the animation form another idea - “Sorry or not” spelled vertically. So bassically the character says that she feels sorry that he is in love with her, for her the timming is not right, she lives in the past an so everything its just a beautifull lie.
The camera movements are a pain for me, I almost never get them right…