Scaling Suzanne


I tried scaling Suzanne, the object doesn’t scale vertically up or down, it is diagonally only, that also include horizontal scaling.

Why is that?:eek:

try to Ctrl-A before and select rot and scale
might have been change before

happy bl

I had to rotate it around a few times to get it so that it would scale vertically.

you should be able to S Z and it would work
unless you change it in Edit mode !

happy bl

Well, I did seperate one of the ears. You mean that method works without having edited the object at all?

well in edit mode if you verts from location
this is not necessarily following the main local axis!
so it would change compare to the local axis.

but normally if you follow the main local axis you can scale in X Y or Z and it should work

happy bl

All I did was select one ear, and close the head part up, and then I went to scale. That part is over, now getting this object to look more like what I need it to be…