Material Mode and Matcap Clipping in Viewport

I am having issues with the viewport clipping in material mode or when using matcaps. It is specific to my blend file. It happens frequently to my blend files, but I haven’t figured out why. It doesn’t happen to new blend files. It happens regardless of the render engine being used. It isn’t anything in the User Preferences. It doesn’t affect OpenGL renders. I have attached an example image of the problem:

I’d appreciate any help. The problem has hindered my work flow in many different blend files for many different projects. I haven’t found anything about this online. Thank you.

EDIT: I corrected the missing image. Also, it isn’t my viewport or camera clipping distance. Both of those are the default. My viewport clipping is 0.100 to 1000. Solid viewport mode and renderings look just fine.


Not seeing your image in your post

Do you have the correct camera start and end clipping distances for the size of your scene

Also in the N-Panel, under View are clipping distances for the default perspective view.

Hm, that’s odd about the image. It was there when I posted it. Anyway, you should see the image now.

It isn’t the clipping distance of the camera or the viewport. My viewport clipping is the default 0.100-1000. Solid viewport mode and renders look just fine. As far as I know, only matcap and material viewport mode have this issue.

Try File->Open, browse to one of the bad files, and uncheck the Load UI option, before clicking Open File.

I’d also try File->Append and append the scene from a bad file into a new file.

Can you post one of the bad files?

The problem goes away when I append the scene or when I open it without loading the UI. I’m working on cleaning up the file to upload it now.

I’m very surprised that appending the scene worked. That seems to rule out basic UI settings.

Okay, here is a file. You may need to rotate the viewport before the clipping appears.


Clipping-error.blend (480 KB)

Something very strange… The file works fine when I open it in an older version of Blender, 2.66 in my case. The clipping occurs when I open it in another install of 2.77a.

Hmmm… I don’t see the problem. Does it also happen in internal render viewport? I’m on version 2.77, and I know the cycles view port is heavily WIP. I don’t know.


It also happens in the BI viewport. It seems to be a problem regardless of the render engine.

Maybe it is a glitch that only affects my hardware. I am on a laptop with an AMD APU. I will just open the file without loading the UI and save it. That completely corrects the issue. If the issue arises again, I will just repeat that fix.

Although this still puzzles me, I appreciate your troubleshooting tips. I at least know how to correct the issue. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Good luck with that. I’m glad we found a way to get around it. I just tried downloading 2.77a but got a corrupted down load. I give up. :slight_smile:

I recreated the error. I had a scene without a camera. I added a camera and positioned it. Then, I changed the Outliner into another 3D view. As soon as I pressed “0” on the numpad to make that view look through the camera, the clipping occurred. It clips the viewport beyond the center of the active selected object. I checked my clipping distances for the camera, and it was good. I pressed 0 again to leave the camera view, but the problem persisted.

I think it is a bug related to the Depth of Field. I tried enabling DoF for the camera, and it doesn’t work. When I am looking through the camera, the viewport stops refreshing and has odd artifacts. Unfortunately, I can’t work around a bug that occurs any time that I want to look through a camera.

To temporarily fix the issue, I started a new file and appended the scene I was working in. But, it still had the clipping problem. I closed Blender and appended the scene from a new file again. This time it worked, and I couldn’t recreate the problem by using the camera. It appears to be a glitch in memory that is saved along with the UI information when a blend file is saved.

That’s silly… I sat here for an hour trying to recreate the problem, and I already knew my machine/blender didn’t even see the problem in a file that already had it.

Carry on. :slight_smile: