Real-time archviz in blender!

Hello guys sohonestly i m fairly new to PBR in blender branch :

but yeah as soon as i come close to it I realize that i should make the blender’s first pbr ARCHVIZ (animation) So i converted my latest WIP into a PBR WIP! but honestly i m that satisfied with the result,yeah i know that its still in development but can you guys please tell me is there anything that i can do to improve it?
like for e.g: those pillows + the bounce lighting! etc

thanks in advance :wink: :smiley:

P.S: its just a WIP so the roof are plane white and the room is a bit empty (there are some performance issues also)

(inspired by EVERMOTION)


It would help if you posted at least one render to see how the scene is suppose to look in the first place.
The windows look really toony and that background looks very phoney. Everything is far too bright as the shadows and shading don’t give very much contrast but again, post a render for comparison

yeah exactly! it is lookin tooo unnatural so i m wondering is it because of the fact that this a still in development or am i doing something wrong?.. OK i’ll be posting the render using CYCLES but in the meanwhile check the unprocessed version of it!


The problem is, the bounce light color is fine, but there are no occlusion shadows around anything.
Its why it looks like the pictures are floating on the wall f.ex.

I dont know the PBR build but the blender internal viewer will give you ambient occlusion for the viewport.

This is a screen from my blender internal viewport. A scene im working on for a realtime interactive showroom:

I dont know what your goal is with the archvis, but if you fex. never change the lighting, just bake everything into textures in cycles. Way less hassle than doing PBR.


thanks for your help and comment but honestly I know that i can have an awesome result using CYCLES(baking) but I goal is to test the Capacity of PBR (at this early stage…)

Then at least use SSAO in the viewport

PS: My example has no baked textures

Baked textures are a terrible way to go. Unlike game engines that store that baked information somewhere for all the things automatically, such as UE4, baking in Blender requires sacrificing quality and manually setting all the item’s settings for it to work. After all that and the other aspects of it, you would still have to find a way to properly render the gloss if you don’t want all the surfaces to look dry and rough.

Btw, how did you make the bed?

Yeah you are right that i can’t get the ue4 quality(lightmass) but i can get a pritty good result using cycles baking but yeah i can’t animate the sunrays cuz its not realtime but as i said before my only goal to test the capabilities of PBR at this early stage! But anyways thanks for you comment! :smiley: and yeah regarding to your question, i’ve used a chocofur asset but yeah you can achieve the same result using MD5 + sculpting :smiley: