Export keyframes coordinates as CSV file.


I have a script here that exports coordinates from all frames into CSV file. However, I’m trying to extract only the coordinates on keyframes, but not all frames. I have tried searching on various forums but have no luck so far.

    import bpy
    import csv
    from itertools import chain
    filepath = "R1.csv"
    with open(r"R1.csv",'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as file:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(file, dialect='excel')
        scene = bpy.context.scene
        frame_current = scene.frame_current
        for frame in range(scene.frame_start, scene.frame_end + 1):
            for ob in scene.objects:
                if "R1" in ob.name:
                    mat = ob.matrix_world
                    loc = mat.translation.yxz
                    csv_writer.writerow(tuple(chain((frame, ob.name), (loc.x, loc.y, loc.z))))

I’d be very grateful for some guidance, thank you very much.

I am quite new to scripting inside blender, but have a few insights in general python programming. Since Your Question is quite old and maybe awnsered elsewhere, I will fill in my awnser for any future visitor.

I noticed a few things:

  1. Your variable filepath isn’t used, instead you repeat the filepath as Rawstring
    • The main problem with the filepath, despite not using the variable: You use a relative path. My first intuiton by reading your script was: Does the “csv”-file be saved to the project awnser?
    • Clear Awnser no: Instead it will be saved to the root directory of your blender installation.
    • Better Solution:
from pathlib import Path

ROOT = bpy.path.abspath("//")  # Path there your blend file is saved
filepath = Path(ROOT) / "R1.csv"
  1. The Object “R1” name is hard coded

    • This just depends how you want to achieve it, but hardcode things leads to typos
    • Instead read a list of all objects and use the index (this might lead to readability issues)
    • Or specify the Object as Global on top
  2. Maybe your Object R1 is not the only instance of R1 and you have R1.001 R1.002 etc

    • This will fail the if statement.
    • you might be able in this case to achieve this with beginswith() method of the string class.