Star wars Thermal Detonator

Hey guys,
Been a while since I posted here, but I feel like I’ve got a little better at using cycles in between!
Hope you guys enjoy. Work in progress on the thermal detonator from ep6.

I’m thinking of placing it in a Desert / Tatooine scene or replicating the scene in the movie with the bounty hunter holding it.
Any comments / critique welcome!



wow impressive man ,nice work

Thanks P.proj,
I’m currently working on a concept I drew for a bomb disposal - storm trooper. So hopefully when its done I can put it in a scene with the grenade with loads of wire sticking out of it.

Hey guys,
Back with a quick update, started work on the bomb squad storm trooper. Its going to be the head only for the moment, concepts done from a quick sketch I did. The idea is to combine both the trooper and the grand into a scene, perhaps with loads of wire sticking out of it, still some development to be done there…

Any comments / critique on storm trooper design are welcome!

Sketches (Isight camera, sorry!, see attached)


Great! How did you make up-top ripples on detonator ?

Brus: First Created a plane to match the curve of the ‘handle’. I put like 20 loop cuts in it and two across. This creates a grid like pattern, I then selected the parts of the grid I wanted for the inset in and up. To create the curves I just bevelled both sides of the extrusions. Hope this makes sense!

Other news:
I think I’m pretty much there on the bombsquad trooper helmet, light setup inspired by ep 7 assault lander scene.

Any comments welcome!
