Dinning room

Recently i was tried to recreate an interior from the photo randomly taken in google, here is my attempt. Hope you enjoy;)
Everything modeled in blender. Render cycles 1500 samples

Here is the reference


Very nice, yes flowers could be more realistic but other stuff is very close to original!

Thanks, glad you like it! Yes, flowers could be better… but next time ill do better:)

Wow, not bad! In fact, this is a very impressive piece in itself, even without looking at your reference. :slight_smile:

This is a really, really great recreation!! I confess I think I prefer the warmth of lighting in the original, could you not do another light setup fairly quick, (that’s if you wanted to), to showcase another version? Anyways, my eye wasn’t distracted/attracted to the flowers, but overall yours does feel a little bit more ‘spacious’. I think the remodel of the chairs are the main factor in this and detract from the grandeur of the originals, which are lower/chunkier/bigger pads…

but it’s easy to be critical when you post the reference:)

Overall, fantastic work and very nice shading - did it take you too long?