Wilson-Cast Away

May I present to you…Wilson from the Cast Away.


Nice! Looks good. To me the flap on the ball looks kinda blurry, as if it were moving. Still very nice render, I still remember the movie “WILSON!!..WILSON!!..”

Thanks Cad2Blender, it’s probably the lightning :wink:


Wilson in the dark.

I actually have a volleyball like that. Looks cool.

Make the volly ball more white. :smiley:


its as white as it can be, it’s the lightning that effects the vertex painting very much.

Increase ref and emit value.
Also the texture is a bit low res. Is it a UV mapped ‘blood’ texture?
But you still did an awesome job of it. Much better than I could do. Keep up the good work. :wink:

Redbyte- thank you, the blood is vertex painted and so is the rest