rendered image blurred. please help!

I render a scene, but the result in blender is not very attractive. The details are blurred. I tried to render the same scene in yafray, here I get more crisp results, but the surface looks “grainy” and the surface of the section which is “set solid” shows the underlying triangles of the mesh. How can I improve? I played with OSA, but I don´t see an effect. I set Quality to 100%, OSA 8, Size 100%

try changing ths OSA from gauss to CatRom

Yes, CatRom gives better results. Thanks! I also switched on Gamma and set the filter to 1.5. But is there any way to get better results with Yafray? Why is the surface so grainy? and does yafray have difficulties with “set solid”?

Without knowing your render settings there’s no way to suggest improvements…without GI and area lights there shouldn’t be any noise at all.

And no, YafRay should not have problems with “set solid”, your images look much more like you still have “auto smooth” enabled with a much too large angle or actually clicked “set smooth” instead…

Just stumbled over this thread. Don’t know, if you have solved your problems already… anyway…

The grain might also be due to your lights: If you use area lights (seems to me), try increasing the “Sampling” value to at least 5 (better 8).

Hope that helps.