DAZ Studio Free

I really have no idea what is going on, but for some reason DAZ just released DAZ Studio for free as well.



Maybe everyone is just extra-nice recently…downloading.

Or, they could be making some huge program that would make those other programs obsolete.

DAZ Studio has been offered for free ever since I can remember.:smiley:

Yea… not a bad program, but not incredibly good either. But its fun to play around in.

They also released 2 of their big people models for free.

it is not even that great. rendering is quite slow.
it is kinda a better Bryce!

The problem with Poser and Daz are the models look like corpses, at least to me. Lost interest a long time ago. I can see using them for doing storyboarding and background characters.

The problem with Bryce, is you know when you are looking at a Bryce rendered scene. Only good if you want it that way.

Any only-one-strength 3d program is going to have a signature style which betrays its existence. One can always tell a Bryce render, one can always tell a Poser render, because their renders always look very similar.

I still can’t believe I once wanted Bryce more than anything… :rolleyes: I was young and foolish.