
mkbreuer, which of your Meta Addons work with 2.69? Thanks

I was able to install 0-9.3 meta tools in 2.69.

I just installed the latest release of meta tools 0-9d. Everytime I shut down blender I lose the metatools button in my right panel. I then have to go into userprefs, deactivate it and reactivate it. Can this be fixed or is it not meant for 2.69? Thanks

Wow could that list get any bigger. From looking at your screen shots I assume that Metatools in in the tab area when you press it does it cover the whole screen?

…now i have time to check what i have done… …greetings from croatia…

Ok I downloaded version 0.9 and put it in the blender 2.7 and blender 2.69 addon folders. I will try it out with both version later tonight or tomorrow. The problem is that while this looks like a great addon that is kind of a swiss army knife of blender creation. I still do not know what all the tools do or how they operate. Was there not going to be a tutorial made some time back?

I know…but i have to do some other work before!
So just as I have time i will refine and create tutorials one by one and by theme.
I also will finisch up my color theme. preview:

beforehand: excuse for my bad english, i’m still practice…

…!!! The final new MetaTool-Panel-Interface for 2.72 !!!..

Feel free to add this Mr. Stan_Pancake’s script: cycle through selected objects to object mode Selection section.

import bpy

selection = bpy.context.selected_objects

if not bpy.context.active_object.select:
    if len(selection):
        bpy.context.scene.objects.active = selection[0]
    for i, o in enumerate(selection):
        if o == bpy.context.active_object:
            bpy.context.scene.objects.active = selection[(i+1) % len(selection)]

I have include it.
Works really well!!!

I am looking forward the next update version ! Realy good job. Thanks!

I am just becoming somewhat familiar with blender, and your addon and especially the update, should make access to very important functions very convenient and simple. I am very appreciative of your efforts and work done. Looking forward to the update. Thanks!

…!!! Different Modes in MetaTool !!!..
> editmode similar to each edit area

…!!! MetaTool Spacebar Menu !!!..
> seeming multi-selection in a menu?
-> hold spacebar or each single hotkey
(no combination > flicker)

…!!! MetaTool Single Hotkey Menus !!!..
> seeming multi-selection in a menu?
-> hold the hotkey for each single menu
(no combination > flicker)

What a great tool it is! Thank you so much!

Is there a way to remove Cellook material from metatools please?
I just find it’s in the way on the materials panel, and when I press it, I get an error message.
I like the menus and tools, but this celllook is more trouble that it’s worth, I don’t think I would use it, it’s just in the way in the panel.
Thank you for your hard work.

Hy Brad!
Wich Version of MetaTool you are using?
In the next Update Cellock will be fixed and work in a correct way and stays in 3d view.
I removed the Panel under Materials.
You have to activate it then in MetaTool > MatTools > Node Presets

Hi MK,
Thanks for your hard work. I’m using version 0.1.0. I installed the menu MetaTool_Full Orientation + Animation + Render from the MKB_Menu_Setup_#04_Update package.
I figured that ‘04’ must be the very latest.