[Addon] Directly Set Length(edge) and Angle(edges) [v0.2]

-The addon only used a lower number of decimal places.
It should support indefinite, specified decimal places
(perhaps at double data type precision), or even 5 decimal places,
though mainly whatever the Blender accuracy standard for point
location accuracy finally is. ?

-It doesn’t numerically obtain what any prior selected
edge length or angle size is.

Are these things a possibility for change in a better version
for the downloading public?

Thanks for this addon!

I wonder, how does the length set tool decides where to expand? It decides to expand towards the first selected vertex? or the second?

Is there a way to select where to expand/scale?(sometimes i wish to resize towards vertex 1, sometimes vertex 2, But sometimes I’d like to expand/scale equally from the center. Is any of this possible? Could you add it, if not?

Very nice and very useful. It reminds me old Lengthen script for Blender 2.49.