[AddOn] Export Camera to BMD Fusion

Hi, your Plugin looks awesome, could be a real timesaver.
However, i keep getting that same error:


The new version of the plugin didn’t fix it for me.
I am using the latest official Software Builds for Blender and Fusion.

In the Texteditor this errorline looks like all the line that are surrounding.

Here is my File:
track test.comp.zip (93.3 KB)


Hi, your Plugin looks awesome, could be a real timesaver.
However, i keep getting that same error. In my case for line 210.

The new version of the plugin didn’t fix it for me.
I am using the latest official Software Builds for Blender and Fusion.

In the Texteditor this errorline looks like all the line that are surrounding.

Here is my File:

i updated the script yesterday and i think i found the bug and replaced it.
could you download the new version from the first post and retry

the error come from this workflow:
you tried to export the scene without selecting a camera in blender and by default the script had “export only selected” enabled. this led to a misformed fusion comp.

the new version now fails if you do it in the way i explained and to make it more error proof i disabled the “only selected” by default

thank you !

Thanks, i tried with the new version.
Still doesn’t work out for me. Neither “export only selected” turned on, nor off.

I also tried resetting Blender to factory settings, to see if there are some interfering Plugins or something.

This Zip contains my .blend File as well as the resulting .comp File with the error:
Fusion Error blend and comp.zip (197 KB)

When i animate the Camera by hand with a few Keyframes the exporter works just fine. But i can’t make it work with tracked Footage.

thanks for the file, will check them

i think i nailed it down to the file name. it has some special characters in it, this is where the exporter fails.
but i will upload a fixed version for that very soon. need some more testing to do

thanks for the effort.
And your amazing plugin!

Thanks, it works so very well. Probed with fusion 8.2 Beta and Blender 2.77a

Hi Have an error when trying to export, 2.78c plus Filmic Blender.

ohh, i guess i know whats wrong here, have to take a look.

thanks for reporting ist

Thanks much appreciated, hope you can get it working again.

Thanks for the addon - very helpful, and a good base to expand on!

@Bopstar, the color spaces with the Filmic color management just have different names. As a quick fix , just change the line in the script:

if blenderDisplayColorSpace == “sRGB”:


if blenderDisplayColorSpace == “Filmlike”:

I think the colorspace part of the addon is not really working as planned, but it’s not very important. If you’re tracking camera footage then sRGB is the viewer transform you want - the filmic transform is not relevant (the camera has already applied it’s own ‘natural’ version!).

If (like me) you’re more interested in the 3D compositing features of fusion, then I’ve found the easiest way to get the fusion viewer to display the filmic view of the linear file is to make a new color space in the config.ocio file and combine the filmic log luts with say the base contrast lut. This can then be selected in the fusion viewer.

Hey Nerk,

Thanks for taking the time to post, appreciated.

I found that setting the color management to none fixes the issue.

Yes there is zero need to use the Filmic LUT with any camera footage, and prefer to setup LUTs manually and as required for the specific camera type.

I use OCIO ColourSpaceView LUT and use the config.ocio from Blender (Filmic) for viwing EXE rendered from Bender.
You could also use a combination of OCIO Colorspace node set to linear to Film Log encoding and then OCIO File Transform node after that set to one of the looks associated with Filmic, and don’t have a view LUT.
I have not tried using the setup with the 3D renders from within Fusion, but I might have a look at that,

Thanks for reporting the issue again and also thanks for providing some hints where to fix the issue.
i updated the addon on page 1 and hope it is now save also for future changes in the colormanagment

Hi Pingkin23,

Awesome thanks for the fix. Is it possible to have the script export the four corners of the plane track to a tracker node also, be great if that was also possible. Thanks.

while i worked on the fix i remembered that feature request and started already to work on it. its coming! (soon! this time for real!)

and DONE!

NEW plane track comes now also as Tracker2 node with the position of the plane corners as tracks NEW
(new download on first page)

Apologies for the delay in replying. Absolutely awesome work Pingking23, thank you so very much for adding that extra tracker node.

your welcome!

if you have other ideas let me know!