[Addon] Point Convert 3D

OK, using shape keys can be really powerful.
In this case I have not delved much into developing it, but making a study of muscles you can get extraordinary results.

From the great Marilyn there are many videos and this work is not too surprising, but imagine with pictures of very old scenes, to give them life …

Using Point Convert 3D, Camera Mapping and Video composition: Professional creations !!

really awesome addon,it opens new doors in creation inside blender,idont know if im the only one but i cant import images on blender 2.73 it displays an error

Active in User Preferences> File> Auto execution: Auto Run Python Scripts

We have added a Deconvert button in the (Convert drop down). This button allows users to deconvert layers back into a mesh, deleting all of the armatures and constrains used in the conversion process. This is especially useful after the user has finished a scene and would like to do some 2.5D animation. Simply select the layer (.convert object) and then press the Deconvert button. This feature is available on the latest release (v0_28) at pointconvert3d.com. Enjoy

OK, I made new tests
Working with Blender 2.73 > Convert>this error:

xy = -476.40010714530945 337.7821445465088
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/pepe/.config/blender/2.73/scripts/addons/3d-convert_v0_28.py”, line 848, in execute
point x = [‘X’] / img.size [0]
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

location: <unknown location>: - 1


Can you be more specific in how and when this happened? Was it during the first layer conversion, or after you had already converted at least one layer? I’m trying to recreate the error to help the programmer resolve the issue.

OK, an example of a simple cube, the first and only making the conversion.
I write a link to the document containing the full debug:


Then I can keep working, extruding points…etc
It does not work Deconvert

@cominandburn I just use the UV/Image editor to paint an alpha channel. It’s live in the 3D view IIRC. The erase alpha paint tool works pretty well. I thought that there was a tutorial on line somewhere? There is an addon that will lock planes to camera with constraints too.

Would it be possible for you to send me your file, so I can investigate that?

I was able to recreate that same error, when I tried to convert an image sequence that had a texture error (needed to be refreshed). The workaround may be to go to the texture panel and refresh the image. Also, make sure if you are working with a single image that the image sequence check box is not checked upon import. I hope this helps.

This is a static image, and before importing turn off the box > Image Sequence
OK, these are the files with all the given steps until the error:

After looking at your files I believe the error on convert is caused by having the Auto Mask (Beta) check box on, the actual conversion occurs regardless of the error (control points exist on your converted file). But, I also believe the problem is an error that occurred upon import because it looks like a few things didn’t happen that should upon import. One being, the resolution in the render settings should change to the resolution of the image. I have included a file of what a correct import should look like. If we can pin point what is causing the incorrect import I can get the programmer to fix it.

correct_import.blend (448 KB)

OK, your file is correct, but when I try to import does not look good:
my_imported.blend (438 KB)

seems that the plane does not fit to the camera
My Blender version is 2.73
One question: This addon depends addon> “import image as plans”?

Yes it does use import image as planes. I believe the problem may be that Point Convert 3D assumes the user has the default Blender scene open when the user uses Import. We are working to fix this, the current workaround would be to load the default Blender scene before you use Import. I have confirmed that the plugin works fine on 2.73, I believe the problem is just the default Blender scene thing. I’m not 100% because I have not been able to reproduce the exact error, but I think we are headed in the right direction.

That’s it! I use another custom default scene.
I tested it, I returned to the scene with the cube, and it works properly! imports plane image correctly!

It would be interesting to correct for any custom first scene

awesome, I’m glad that worked. We should be able to have an updated version with the import fix by end of week.

The bug is fixed, you can now import regardless of what the users default scene is. The new version is up on the site (pointconvert3d.com)

everything is fine now! Thanks

Hi tuffsuper
This is a test conversion from an image with old books. This addon is really fantastic

really cool!! great work.