Anna 3D model of a sexy girl (nude)

Yep, another update :wink:


one more :slight_smile:

The shape of the head (and the body) are better now, I think?

But I am having problems with the renders, or more precisely with the lighting - the render come out grayish and dull, the colors are not so vibrant as on the color map itself…



Now the head seems proporionaly too big for the neck, i’m just not sure whether in all dimensions or just in front-back axis. Try to cover the neck in the rendered picture with your finger and then imagine in your mind where in reality neck would be and how big it would be - or compare it to some real picture.

As for the color problem - i’m still very inexperienced user of blender, so i can’t help much, but i would check lighting settings of your scene in the first place.

For the colour problem, make sure you have reflect set up to full in the shaders tab. That may solve it


I have some new renders to share with you. This time they are done with Kerkythea.

Take a look :wink:


Awesome !
Will you ever upload the blend file? I want to make a lowpoly version.

Glad you like her! :slight_smile:

I am not going to upload the blend file, because I am actually hoping to sell the model. Not that I don’t want to release the model, I am an open source guy, but my business (web design/development) doesn’t go very well lately (it actually doesn’t go at all - I haven’t got a single contract for months). So if I manage to sell some 3D models and textures it would be of help :slight_smile: Sorry that I have disappointed you :frowning:

Take care!

I’m still not sold on the face. I think there is a lot to still be done around the mouth to get a more dynamic feel to it. The lips seem very plain. If you look at the picture posted the lips look very soft and suptle (fleshy) while in the model they look like extrusion out of the face. The modeling issues near the mouth are also throwing off the cheeks to an extent. The impression given is that you tried to model a smile in the cheeks but not anywhere else. You need to find a good side shot of cameron diaz to get those lips and cheeks to start playing nicely.

Agree :yes:. The distance between the eyes should be shorter. Now she reminds me a bit of Daffy Duck and I don’t think that’s a compliment to a woman. :no:

The dark render may be the result of the model vertex color being gray. Check to see if thats the case.

Well after all those comments I have only two. The bodys fine for now. You have to balance out the the work between face and body. The pupils are not good. Its throwing your whole face off. You can proportion everything to death but if you cant believe the pupils you have nothing. They look like a drawing. Add spec. I dont see any reflection. Theres no subtle curve reaction between the pupil and skin. I see white in the corners, think about a pale red w/some spec? You need an eye with depth and reflection. The eye is the path to the soul. I think if you worked on your eyes your work as a whole would improve. Let me see if I can find a example…

Without a repeat go to Materials…strands…and thin down the ends of the hair and play with it…I dont know…I like the body…got a phone number? O.K. that was just cheap…sorry…Cindy

O.K. go to “blender noob to pro…pixar looking eyes” or just “blender pixar eyes”…these are eyes sometimes used in pixar animations but at least it shows you the depth that your lacking…It sort of looks like you have some depth…but yea I cant pinpoint whats wrong…maybe its just the color? Help me out…anyone else on the eyes?

@Cindy: I am very happy to hear that you like the body!!! I am happy with the body too, at least for now. Maybe just the hands are somewhat coarse, but that’s easy to correct. The problems with the eyes that you speak of are problems of the materials and render settings. Below is a render taken at the same time as those in the previous post - there is some reflection, but not strong enough.

I see two biggest issues now - the modeling of the mouth/cheeks/chin area and the materials and render settings. Oh and I should redo the hair from scratch… :slight_smile:

@jessegp: I don’t know why, but I can’t solve the problem with this grayish renders coming out of blender. It’s not the vertex color. The increase of the reflectivity just leads to overexposure of the bright parts. It is most likely a lighting problem like wicinoo says.
She was actually never supposed to look like Cameron Diaz :wink:


Does look like Diaz…before you dump that hair work on the strands. Once hair has a good base, just work the strands. With one click of the strands button you can dramitcally improve your hair. As soon as you thin it out you will have to turn up the amount. Also I found that if you use some transparency in the hair…(Alpha and ZTransp in the F5 buttons it really looks good.) I like your brows though…and the texture in the lips. You might want to look at how high the cheek rises and drop the top of the cheek down a little so that it does not rise above the X of the pupils…Yea Ive spent days and days on hair and brows an a lot of time on eyelashes. Dont be afraid of working the hair. You be the boss of the hair. Dont let the hair boss you around…And dont forget the comb feature! Thank god they put that in the software.

The distance from the eyes to the mouth is reading a little bit long

The center of the mouth should be a little lower…I think

Square jaw ,male-ish eyes , and the brows are arcs.

and the nose distance it is equal to the tip of the nose and the chin end , and the forehead size…use diaz foto to compare more…

Yea… I knew it was the color of the eyes that looked like her…Well I hope this helps…Even though it may not be her I think it would help to drop the eyes…I squared this up best I could…

Just to make sure you know…this is your pic layered over diaz…so its a great way to compare…yea…your watching too many diaz movies…shes burned in your brain…it happens…I think shes a great actor…something about Mary…one of the the funniest scenes in the history of movie makeing…Ben in the bathroom…

Thanks for the pic Numarul7
