Autodesk buys Arnold renderer (isn't a joke)

Somewhere, someplace anybody is editing that Hitler’s video, subtitling it and uploading on youtube…


thx for the idea.

while whoever that guy is, is doing that,
I’ll be making another version of this

At least Cycles will always be free (as it would not be possible for Autodesk to buy it outright and close the source, even though the Apache 2 license is more permissive when it comes to using the code for commercial purposes).

If one of the worst-case scenarios comes to pass and Autodesk invokes the EOL process for all Arnold plugins outside of Max and Maya, the BF can respond by having someone write them a plugin for Cycles.

They have a bad track record of keeping promises to users whose software they have just bought. :stuck_out_tongue:

THUD! that’s the sound that the jaws of every softimage user will make when the read that comment. How can anyone trust anything that AutoDesk says.

No, it’s just my personal assumption that Brecht has some passion/idealism towards open source projects like Blender and that Autodesk is the exact opposite of that.

What Blender users can really forget now is offiicial support of Arnold for Blender…


not everyone in the BF shares the same anti-autodesk views as Ton

In any event, developers must be free to continue or discontinue on their own terms. Otherwise we can end up in some very nasty territory. Things change, sometimes for the better, sometimes not, but users have little say in the matter; its like arguing with the tide (and with similar results). Adjust, and move on.

I really hope IF somebody buys Maxon, then it should be Adobe, they need a 3D Package BADLY! And Maxon would be IMHO the perfect choice. It appeals to Pros and Noobs and integrates very nice with PShop&Co and a TON of plugins.
Also once integrated into the cheap and vast Adobe CC, Autodesk will have a really hard time keeping up a monopol. This would put pressure on Autodesk a LOT cause Adobe is a GIANT and they cannot buy that. :wink:

I couldn’t agree with you more :wink:

@fdfxd Jajajaja! In Spain we call that man “El cuñao” (The brother in law) What a funny video!!

And talking about the news, well, if I were an Arnold user on Cinema 4D I would start looking for others renderers.

To be honest, VFX is just a blip on their radar… they main business is CAD… i believe only 5-10% of their business is actually VFX… its more like a prestige pieces of software rather than money making.

Exactly! Its only that.

As long as Arnold proves itself as a profit center for Autodesk, I don’t believe it’s in any danger of getting axed. And out of all the purchases Autodesk has made in recent memory, this one actually makes the most sense. Maya and 3ds Max have been in dire need of a good renderer that ships in the box for the entire life of those products, and now they’ve got one.

Mental Ray can burn in the eternal fires of hell, I will not miss that steaming pile of garbage.

just my thoughts, nothing confirmed apart from the buyouts.

To be totally honest, i think it is in response to bentley buying out e-onsoftware. i believe they bought them out for LumenRT to implement into their cad software (microstation, main competitor to autocad)… autocad cant be seen to be lagging behind with quick visualisation options when something like that is being implemented into microstation. so… my expectations over the next year is that they may have some integrations into maya / max, but their main focus will be autocad.

how will this affect the future of arnold? not sure. but assume its more for CAD purposes rather then VFX purposes.

I wonder if Autodesk users appreciate the fact that the company behind their apps. can take their feature requests and respond by simply buying out another vendor that might just have the technology for said request? That is pretty much a position that is exclusive to Autodesk and Adobe because they’re the only players big enough to do that.

With a lot of mentions already about the prospect of Maya and Max now having the Arnold engine out of the box, it could result in a negative impact for Chaos Group and other render developers by way of people deciding not to buy any licenses or upgrades anymore. Based on what I’ve been reading, it might actually be Blender that sees the least impact from this (because for one thing we know Cycles isn’t going anywhere).

Oh you guys. After reading the actual article, I can see that it’s actually a good thing for Marcos. I don’t know how he manages to do it but he got the deal of the century. Basically, not much changes accept that he doesn’t have to run the business side of things and can go back to R&D. Oh, and he starts getting paychecks from Autodesk. All the offices and staff remain the same. It’s the best possible outcome for this.

whats the fuss about? just a commercial company buys another commercial product, some guys saying this like its the worst thing happened as if SA is that accessible and friendly to low end users like the most of the folks here, AD hasn’t got a decent modern inhouse renderer IIRC so SA fills up just right.

Again. You guys. Have any of read the interview with Marcos? Really, nothing changes. The way Autosesk sees it is that AtoC4D is just another source of income. They would never choose the kill that. Nor any of the other ports. This is key to Solid Angle development. In fact, I bet you’ll be seeing more ports now that they will have even more development resources. Max is obvious but I’m betting you’ll see Modo turn up pretty soon. We’ll see.

It’s a much more complicated issue than, “Evil corp. buys company and kills it!” I think it has much more to do with increasing resources or Aolid Angle and Autodesk making money off them.

If this isn’t outdated Brecht is still with Arnold and so with Autodesk: