Awesome challange

Here is my try. Please give me some suggestion. Thank U :slight_smile:


well since i’m trying to learn python, i came up with the idea to do a script for a twisted torus, so i pick up the script of the torus from the blender scripts dir. and i’ve inserted a twist :wink:


Just stunning. Any chance of a tutorial or a screen shot of your set up?

your twists have me in a twisted fix
i wanna learn how to model this
i am getting fan shapes and not what is shown above
where can i download the tutorial?

hi, try my script, it’s a modified script from the torus, then you just have to face loop select. That’s how i made mine.

hope it helps

hi paulo_gomes,
could u upload u r script somewhere else or here
the link above takes me to a page i can’t fathom

Name: 'Twisted Torus'
Blender: 243
Group: 'AddMesh'
import BPyAddMesh
import Blender
from math import cos, sin, pi

def add_torus(Raio_Torus, Raio_Circulo, Seccoes_Torus, Vertices_Circulo, Voltas):
    Vector = Blender.Mathutils.Vector
    RotationMatrix = Blender.Mathutils.RotationMatrix
    vertices = []
    faces = []
    i1 = 0
    total_vertices = Seccoes_Torus * Vertices_Circulo

    for major_index in xrange(Seccoes_Torus):
        mtx = RotationMatrix( 360 * float(major_index)/Seccoes_Torus, 3,  'z' )
        rotvoltas = 2*pi*major_index/Seccoes_Torus * Voltas
        for minor_index in xrange(Vertices_Circulo):
            angle = (2*pi*minor_index/Vertices_Circulo) + rotvoltas
            print mtx
            vertices.append( Vector(Raio_Torus+(cos(angle)*Raio_Circulo), 0, (sin(angle)*Raio_Circulo)) * mtx )
            if minor_index+1==Vertices_Circulo:
                i2 = (major_index)*Vertices_Circulo
                i3 = i1 + Vertices_Circulo
                i4 = i2 + Vertices_Circulo
                i2 = i1 + 1
                i3 = i1 + Vertices_Circulo
                i4 = i3 + 1
            if i2>=total_vertices:    i2 = i2-total_vertices
            if i3>=total_vertices:    i3 = i3-total_vertices
            if i4>=total_vertices:    i4 = i4-total_vertices
            faces.append( (i3,i4,i2,i1) )
    return vertices, faces

def main():

    Draw = Blender.Draw
    Raio_Torus = Draw.Create(1.0)        # Raio do torus
    Raio_Circulo = Draw.Create(0.25)        # Raio do circulo que vai formar o torus
    Seccao_Torus = Draw.Create(48)        # NÂș de secçÔes do torus
    Vertices_Circulo = Draw.Create(16)    # NÂș de vertices do circulo q vai formar o torus
    Voltas = Draw.Create(1)            # NÂș de voltas

    if not Draw.PupBlock('Adiciona Twisted Torus', [\
    ('Raio do Torus:', Raio_Torus,  0.01, 100, ''),\
    ('Raio do Circulo:', Raio_Circulo,  0.01, 100, ''),\
    ('SecçÔes do Torus:', Seccao_Torus,  3, 256, ''),\
    ('Vertices do Circulo:', Vertices_Circulo,  3, 256, ''),\
    ('NÂș de Voltas:', Voltas,  0, 5, ''),\
    # Chama a função add_torus e atribui o resultado nas variåveis vertices e faces
    vertices, faces = add_torus(Raio_Torus.val, Raio_Circulo.val, Seccao_Torus.val, Vertices_Circulo.val, Voltas.val)
    # Função para adicionar uma mesh
    BPyAddMesh.add_mesh_simple('Torus', vertices, [], faces)


here it is, is a copy of the add torus but with a extra field that sets the number of twists :wink:

Please comment on this, How much left?

Without Torus

@kkrawal: when rendering something on a basic plan make sure it extends far enough to not see the corners (so having a horizon no probs but make sure its wide enough)
The texture based alpha value of the orange rings is kinda odd.
Let your name not cast shadows, it’s very distracting.

But the model is good.

Thanks. See another view

It looks nice, but the original didn’t have one continuous ring. It has several separate rings.


I think original also has same type of rings. Please tcrazy guide me about the rights. please show your model without torus.

Here you go kkrawal. I had fun with the picture and highlighted each ring for you.

Hi samf
I think the actual idea that Torus should rotate on z axis.
Rotation you can see here.
Even though it is not that model, but I am happy that I have the opportunity to learn a lot of new things while creating this.