Baby Dinosaur

He is so squishy. That is a lot of work for 2 days time. I’m amazed.

The Pixar vibe is real in this one ! Amazing render, I absolutely love how it is done, wish I could do that in 2 days xD

Oh my, this guy is supercute! Would love to see him animated someday. Are you planning to do so ? =)

WoW just saw the comments, thank you so much!! :smiley:

The shader is very basic, it is just a basic color map, the trick is using the layer weight node to create the rim light effect.

the eyes actually are bad for this version I made an updated version here
I made a tutorial on that:

yeah I’m planing to do some basic animations with him, I have to do a lot of edits and rig him too, hopefully that would happen soon :smiley:

thank you again for the great comments, more awesome stuff are coming soon!

so cute <3

oooooh yeah! please let me know once you rigged it, hehe. since i am an animator i am really interested in that =)

Super cute!

Wow, very nice. I would like to see more of this cute character! Would be amazing if it were rigged. Then you could maybe recreate some of the funny poses from your reference.

Wow this one looks so super cute! Amazing how professional!

Woah! Can you please tell us how you did the shading/texturing and the lighting? If you actually give us tips on how you did the shading/texturing and especially the lighting, I would be forever in your debt!

That’s a great character!
I really love NPR, I’m working hard to get results like yours.

Really nice & cute model! I am learning Blender and this inspired me to model something similiar (just not so cute :P)

So cute. Simple, yet effective.

Your baby dinosaur is absolutely adorable!

so cute! love it!

This is so cute and adorable! Love it! :slight_smile:

Nice character! Good Work !

Great job!! It is so difficult to keep it as simple looking as it should with a cartoon like model as this… and the rendering/lighting is photostudio quality… awesome!

So cute, can see this character in an animated film.

Wow nice looking baby dinosaur :+1:t2: