BGMC 17 - Super RC Boat Racing [DONE]

I meant to add the detail in textures, but the new model looks very good when we speak about the detail:)

Test level and new boats :smiley:

There seems to be no way to win when the first guy just went very far. Maybe you should add more powerups and some kind of boosting system, like mario cart maybe.

Game is coming along great. I agree with blenderrendersk, having something to boost speed and maybe also shoot/slow-down opponents would be a nice addition. How come the two boats were riding side by side most of the time? Was that you playing with an AI boat? Seemed like they were almost glued together.


this can be a great little game. looks really funny.

you loose so much room behind the boat. do you use a cameraactuator instead of parenting the camera. if so, you might parent an empty above the boat and use the cameraactuator on it. you can have a screenformat of 2/3 in front of the boat and 1/3 behind wich i would prefer.

Incredible! This game has a real potentional to win. It looks like it will be much more interesting than mine one:D

Thanks everybody :smiley:

Okay, so I’m experiencing serious issues with LibLoad. It seems like it’s completely broken.
It works, but only if I don’t replace scenes. It’s weird because if I try to load again (in the new scene, after replace) It doesn’t work (It says that the library is already open) and I can’t access the content any more.
Even weirder: Merging the blend files does not work as well!

Also I noticed that the BGE is (a lot) more broken than the previous versions.

If I can’t load meshes, I can’t proceed with a decent game…

== EDIT ============================================================
I managed to make it work :smiley:

Nice and yeah bge in 2.75 is more broken than it delivers new features. That’s why I stick to 2.74

New level and Menu/HUD WIP

New Boat:

Nice and yeah bge in 2.75 is more broken than it delivers new features. That’s why I stick to 2.74

like what?

I have not found 1 bug :expressionless:

This looks very impressive! Keep up the good work;)

Thank you guys :smiley:
The only thing that is bothering me a lot is that alpha (transparent objects loses render order) problem, it’s so annoying.

Why it need so much time from the admin to check the Posts and publish…??