Blender Addon - Multiple Object UV Editing by Andreas Esau

ndee thank you so much. You see I had right clicked on the “” on the main page and saved it that way instead of clicking on the green button for the zip file option. Works perfectly, thanks again :slight_smile:

you’re welcome :slight_smile:

Many thanks Andreas!

I’ve only got a problem when going back to object mode.
The following massage appears:

do you know what might cause this?

maybe that you trying to edit UV of differents object in locel view (key / ) and in this situation the addon crash

Hi DcVertice,

No I’m not in local view. I tried it with a new scene and 2 spheres and always get this error message :confused:

hmm would it be possible for this addon to also copy the texture parts into a final texture ?. (so without baking).

I really could use the Addon at the moment but as described earlier I can’t get it to work when exiting edit mode.
So is there maybe a way to manually transfer back the UVs from the Multi UV Object to the individual objects?

Great Work ! Thank you
Runs fine here on 2.77a

@ actimelvanille
could you give some more detailed information. What os, what blender version? Official latest stable build or any other build?
If possible a file that fails.

I thought I have fixed the local view bug.

hey andreas,

i’m on windows 7 with blender 2.77a.
i attached a simple scene but i basically get this error with all scenes.


untitled.blend (615 KB)

Ok… thanks. How do you switch back to object mode? with the ui? or by pressing the tab key?
I just noticed that using the user interface for switching back to object mode generates an error.

Use tab for now this should work. I will take a look at it.

ahh, thanks.

i mapped the toggle to space instead of tab which generates the error as well.
thanks for having a look into it!

Ok. Please grab a new copy from github and have a look if it works. I think it should.
I have pushed a fix for leaving the edit mode by using the interface.

Sweet, works perfectly now Andreas!

Many thanks :slight_smile:

Now lightmap unwrapping will be much, much, easier.

Nice to find this addon, I never understood why Blender does not have this built in. I hope this works well…

Yes, it’s so ridiculously useful, you would think it would be included.

@ndee: Did you submit it for inclusion in Blender?

I use it on daily basis (thanks for it), but I have some problems:

  1. Any time I switch with hotkeys between vertex/face/island selections it quits. With switching icons it is OK.
    Could it be solved?

  2. It is slow. I mean really, really slow with many objects; sometimes I have to wait like 5-15 minutes on a strong PC.
    Could future versions be faster? Thanks!

thanks for this great addon, this is something i missed for many years:yes: works like a charm

Seems to work well for me. Thank you.