Bone Weight Copy addon

Try this:

class BWCUi(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
    bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'

    bl_label = "Bone Weight Copy"
    bl_context = "objectmode"
    bl_category = "Steps"  #or another tab-name

    bpy.types.Scene.BWCInter = IntProperty(name="Interpolation",
        description="Base Mesh subdivides (Higher interpolation -> Better matching weights)",
    bpy.types.Scene.BWCNamedBones = BoolProperty(name="Only Named Bones",
        description="Copy only the bone related weight groups to Target (Skip all other weight groups)",
    bpy.types.Scene.BWCEmptyGroups = BoolProperty(name="Copy Empty Groups",
        description="Create bone related weight groups in Target, even if they contain no vertices",

and remove the the “def initSceneProperties”,

The bl_category was missing and putting properties on the scene has already changed very much more then a year ago, which I do not understand fully, but putting the body of the removed def just in the Panel,
you will get the buttons in the tab of the Panel (“Steps” if you do not change this name")

I tried to follow your advice but it still doesn’t work.
Here is my edited file. Could you check it out and post a link to the corrected version? Would be very nice :slight_smile:

With my primal coding skills, i thought at line 68:


would be a nullpointer if i deleted the same called def earlier, right?
I just tried to correct it on my own and it didnt work.
Thanks for your time.

See a link to what I did in your message box …