Branch Extrusion

I am going to try this out. If it works the way that it is described here this would be great for making low poly hair for game characters. I have always has problems making hair for low poly characters. I KNOW blender has a great number of tools for hair. The hair particle tools are great. But they are mainly useful for static renders. If you use them on animations or game characters the hair ends up being more polygons then the actual character mesh.

One question is there a way of making the polygons flat faces instead of cubes? From the screen shots posted here they all look like they extrude as cubes. what I want to use this for it for making low poly hair styles on otherwise bald characters.

i have the official 2.63. and i think i am doing something wrong because i can not paint extrusion

I tried the addon with the official blender build if 2.63. I get this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\DD\Desktop\Blender Files\blender263-64\2.63\scripts\addons\Bran”, line 108, in modal
face =
AttributeError: ‘Mesh’ object has no attribute ‘faces’

a mesh in 2.63 has either tessfaces (3 or 4 vertices I think) or polygons (replacement of old faces) …

Ok and…???

At the moment branch extrusion work only with Faces, vert or edge don’t… however i can make some change.

what error you got??

i turn on the addon and i go into edit mode. and i turn on the button and nothing happens when i move the mouse.

Same here

Could use some illuminating instructions

in order to get the script work, you have to hold RMB and move the mouse to “paint” the extrusiom

You’ve to HOLD RMB and then move like paint or sculpting :smiley:

Ok that is not exactly working. Here is what I tried after putting the script in the addon folder of blender 2.63.

  1. Right clicked on the default cube.

  2. Pressed the tab key to go into edit mode for the cube.

  3. Press w key and chose subdivide from the pop up menu.

  4. Chose face select mode from the 3d window header.

  5. Press the T key in the 3d window to bring up the toolkit.

  6. Scrolled down int he toolbox to find Branch extrusion

  7. Right clicked on ONE face of the subdivided cube.

  8. pressed the Branch Extrusion button in the toolbox.

  9. Moved the mouse back to the 3d window where it turned into a crosshair

  10. Right clicked in the 3d window

  11. NOTHING Happens.

ok, maybe, i’ll make a video to explain it ;D

Sorry guy’s, i’ve made a “little” error…it’s not RMB but LMB

I appreciate it but I think a written tutorial would be more instructive. Then tend to be more thought out and planned.

Any progress on a written tutorial on how to get this to work?

Never mind I deduced it on my own. The key was turning down the minimum distance value and turning down the taper value. If I get sometime today I will do a small write up on it.

Branch extrusion start with the idea to emulate the relative function of 3DS max…

so i’ll start to explain how to make a simple tree branches to use in a game engine for low poly trees.

after you have installed the add on you have couple of function that help you with some task.
the most important are: Taper value and min distance.
Min distance is the distance between two faces( the starter one and the extruded one)
The taper value is the size of the extruded face relative of the previous one.

SO LET’S Start

In order to get access to branch extrusion select the default cube and go in edit mode
Now go in the tool shelf and you’ll see the branch extrusion tab:

For the moment we use the default option.

-Now hit 7 on the num pad to go in the top view
-Select the north face
-in the constraint option select z axis
-Now click on the branch extrusion button
-move the cursor near to the selected face
-Now Hold LMB and move the cursor in the desired location( the location must be in a ray equal to the Min Distance, in this case 5 meters)
as you can see the face is extruded on the position of the cursor

  • keep holding the LMB and make some few extrusion, try to give a natural tree branch look.
    It’s not import hold the LMB between the face but it’s important that you hold it in the point where the next extrusion appear.
  • To end the extrusion use RMB ( with the option collapse active, the branch end with one vertex)

  • to make other extrusion simply add a loop (CTRL+ R), move it to nearest face.
  • select one of lateral face and make some new extrusion, play with the taper value e min distance in order to get a natural aspect of the overall branch.
    -at the end you should have a somthing similar to this

Bake the Image on a plane and use it for Your low poly tree!!

Hope this is Helpful and can give a general view of the Script function.
If you Have any problem Let me Know :smiley:

The next time i’ll explain the spin function…

Has this been upgraded for 2.64

i tested it on 2.64 and it still work! However for any issues you encounter let me know!!

hi, it might be broken in current api/builds
btw, are you interested in developing in svn?