Bump Maps for Beginners

Really very inserting forum regarding BUMP MAPS, you explained step by step really nice

nice tutorial good job

Great instruction…Thank you very much!!..http://greenrent.de/smileyhappy.ico

Is this tutorial different with Cycles or any new update? I tried to follow this along, and waht I see on my screen looks different.

Are there any tutorials that tell you how to handle bump maps with a current version of Blender?

Things do change. The thread dates from over 7 years ago !

Are there any tutorials that tell you how to handle bump maps with a current version of Blender?
You should really start to learn about how to use search. A simple search will give you lots of help such as http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=blender%20cycles%20bump%20map%20tutorial&sm=3

Are there any tutorials that tell you how to handle bump maps with a current version of Blender?

I agree with Richard, but there’s something one should also do…
When you ask detailed instructions and people take the time to answer, and you get detailed instructions followed by example files, the very least you should freaking read it and examine the material people give you. Maybe, just maybe they also include examples on how to do more than just one thing so that you don’t have to keep asking.

Wow, talk about trips down memory lane… If anyone knows of a similar tutorial written for Blender 2.6n, let me know and Ill put a link in the first post to this thread.