Chromoly's Vertex Slide - still King in Bmesh

For those who don’t know, the King has a new crown:

Author: campbellbarton
Date: 2012-04-11 16:41:57 +0000 (Wed, 11 Apr 2012)
Log Message:

vertex slide tool by chromoly, updated to work on bmesh

Ookkaaaaaayy. Maybe I spoke too soon.

The old version still works great, but I can’t get the new and improved version to actually budge a vertex. The script starts (all of the verbiage appears in the lower left of the screen and the initial mouse position circle is there) but it doesn’t do anything on r45474.

Anyone else?

just downloaded r45555 so will check asap.

edit: works fine here. :3

Good. And looks clean.

However, I still don’t see this working on edges & edgeloops. So for now Campbell’s vertex slide can only be crowned as prince :slight_smile:

Erm. I think you are confusing the Vertex Slide tool that is native to Blender with Chromoly’s version which is an addon.

I thought that is what you were talking about, but I suppose I must have misunderstood indeed.

I was speaking of the addon that I referenced in my original post. Did you try that one?

yeah first the bundled one, didn’t work, then installed the one I downloaded from your link, doesn’t work either, sorry.

to be honest though I never used the chromoly scripts before,
so not aware what exactly I’m missing out on here,
but I’m very happy with the integrated vertex and edge slides already.

If there’s any additional features offered by the scripts,
I’m thinking they should perhaps be separate features anyways.
For blenders always excelled at having simple and straightforward actions,
all its really missing is macros to build supra-actions/macro-actions/repeatable action chains. :slight_smile:

No apologies necessary. That is what I was looking for. Looks like Campbell’s conversion of this addon didn’t work.

nope I think the update is still broken, the old one still works minus a few glitches here and there :stuck_out_tongue: