cmftStudio - GUI counterpart of cmft - cross-platform open-source cubemap filtering

@@NinthJake: At the moment, on Windows you can only maximize the window. On Linux/OSX you can press Ctrl/Command+F or click the ‘Full Screen’ button and you get a real, border-less, full screen. It looks way cooler that way. :slight_smile:

Thanks for reply .
The crash only happen in my company computer, Every thing is ok in my personal computer. Maybe the the driver for graph card is too old.

Hi @dariomanesku

Is it possible to let cmftStudio can update the load textures after we resave the textures? It is may very usefull.

I find the material that i import with object , the albedo color R G B is 0,0,0 , and Normal multiplier is 0. Sometiome it will make people comfused if not notice if we want cmftstudio show the albedo and normal map that we load, we need set the color r g b 1,1,1, and normal mulitplier is 1. May be we can let cmftstudio set the import material albedo color R G B is 1,1,1 , and Normal multiplier is 1. Small change but it is also usefull.

By the way, can make cmftstudio icon size larger? It looks the resolution of the icon is very low in my computer. My resolution is 1920 X 1200

@@NinthJake: I expanded the list of input texture formats. It now supports: dds, ktx, tga, hdr, bmp, gif, jpg, png, pvr, tiff.

@@NinthJake: If you are on Windows, yes, the icon is small, 32x32. On OSX and Linux application icon is big and it is looking good. I will fix that on first occasion. It’s not a priority at the moment, it does not affect usability.

Regarding materials, I just fixed that. Now, when you create a new material it will have default values of RGB 1.0,1.0,1.0 and 1.0 normal multiplier. Thanks for the feedback.

Awesome news, thank you so much Dario! :slight_smile:

dream Tools , very nice!
but can any way to publish to webbrower. like toolbag viewer or export json to three.js use!

thanks all friends

This tools is really great alternative for Marmoset Toolbag.

Is there any hope for update which could add:

  1. Textures refresh (by shortcut or auto-refresh)
  2. Omni lights

Hi @@dariomanesku, first of all, I like your tool very much, it’s been very useful for me, thanks a lot!

Is there a way to export the cube map in a bigger resolution? Currently, I’m importing a 4096 image, but it seems that the software is resizing it to 1024, and when I save it, it was indeed resized to 1024. Thanks

Hi, looks like great project.
Are there any news, any new builds on the horizon?

hi, can i use cmftStudio to convert HDR format equ to cubemap in HDR format as well?
i have tried some other online converter, however, they do not support converting HDR format. i have been struggling to find a handy tool to get this job done.