Collision hair particles

Has someone tried with an extra collide object associated (to bone) with the parts of the character that need to hold hair from traversing?
With 2.5 on a very fury animal, it work out pretty well.

Is this going to show up in trunk soon?

Okay, so without adding another entire os on my machine (which ubuntu seems to be) I need help with hair particles. I’ve read the this thread and done a lot of the settings listed here but this is what my end result is. Can someone please tell me if there is a way to keep the hair from sticking through? The model is from MakeHuman. (Very awesome software!!!) But I really can’t make the hair stay hidden. I used a solidify on the shorts but when I animate, the hair still comes through them as well. <sigh>

No, not as things are currently implemented. You have to hide the hair in some fashion if you don’t want it poking through other geometry.

Even with hair collision possible, this kind of setup would be near impossible to get perfect. The collision calculations depend on the geometry of the hair parent strands and the colliding mesh(es), and unless these are very fine-grained (high density collision mesh, many hair strand keypoints), there are bound to be punctures. This puts a major strain on collision calculations and system resources as well, making it infeasible for most desktops systems, even beefy ones. Better to cheat it in some fashion.

BTW, having another OS on board is nearly trivial given modern HD capacity, and it can just lay dormant until you need it, doesn’t interfere with SOP at all.

Okay, thanks. Maybe I’ll check out Ubuntu later. Right now, I guess I need to figure out how to hide hair until force moves the cloth so that it has to be seen. lol Any ideas? :smiley:

No ideas, sorry.
I don’t understand! The man created patch to fill Blender’s black hole named “Hair Collisions”.
Why nobody wants to compile build with this patch? Or there is no programmers able to take another’s code and compile it?

Some ideas for cheating the hair collision:
– Try and get the hair to lay as flat against the body as possible
– Use a separate collision object that encloses the hair completely (it need not render)
– Use collision specs that keep the cloth set off enough from the body to help prevent punctures
– Create hair density (and length?) vertex group(s) that limit hair visibility in places where the cloth covers the figure fully even during animation and cloth motion. You can make a set of such vertex groups and assign whichever works best for any certain sequence. You may have to work "backward,’ i.e., do the animation to identify where you have to keep the hair visible or hide it, then paint your vertex groups accordingly.

Sweet! Thanks for the input! All I had to do was change the collision physics for soft body and cloth outer distance from the default .02 to .137 on my character object NOT THE CLOTH (just so there’s no confusion for anyone else. ;)) and that solved it!!!

I’d already gotten the hair as close to the mesh as possible before I had posted the pic. So I didn’t have to learn the vertex painting yet. lol

Here’s the result!

That’s lookin’ good, but once you start moving your model and the cloth has to react, don’t expect it to perform perfectly. It won’t. So hope for the best but plan for the worst. Learn about vertex weighting to control hair emission – it’s really fairly simple, doesn’t take long to do, and can at least take care of the hair that will never be revealed by the cloth motion. And it’s something you can apply only when you really need it and is non-destructive.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I realize it’s something that I will have to learn, I just keep putting it off as I learn more of other things. As for the animation. I’ve got him now in his starting stance, I just needed to get the cloak right first and the hair is baking as we speak. The starting pose, which I don’t know if there’s an easier way, but I simply set my arm (which will will be up holding a lantern in the final animation) up and out in front of him and the cloth looks great! The hairs stay hidden and everything else seems to be going good.

Once I get the hair baked in, then I’ll apply the cloak cloth so that it becomes the starting mesh, move the armature key frames to frame one and begin work on the walk cycle and path curve. I know that’s all off topic for this thread but stating it for conversation’s sake and so that it’ll be referenced in case the hair particles don’t behave properly.

Okay, mistake. I should have set the pose and cloth first, THEN bake the hair. lol Re-baking now.

Helmut S, I was wondering if you’ve been able to get your patch merged into trunk. If not, is there anything I can do to help make that happen? I can’t code, but I can make requests to the relevant developers to review the patch. Maybe if enough people express interest in it then maybe it could get prioritized in the tracker.

Thanks! The patch looks great and is desperately needed for long hair to even be remotely useful.

@fahr, +1
I want this patch was at least tested, then merged.

Glad peeked back in on this one, hehe. Almost all models I do are furred by nature, some having manes and such. So anything that can help interaction is great. Especialy if i don’t need get a new OS to do it >.<; lol. Think be in heaven when they get the hair system to where will interact with objects without going through it effectivly.

Speaking of hair going through objects, (great lead in for my question, Furlow) are they going to fix the hair dynamics so that it doesn’t go through the emitter?

Has there been any progress on this lately?

Particularly, Helmut’s patch?

Well, I’ve compiled a Win32 build of the latest SVN (I had to learn how) and managed to get Helmut’s patch applied (it’s out of date) and got it working.

It mostly seems to work, though I experience crashes from time to time. These crashes may not be because of the patch.

I’m going to experiment with it and see if I can produce a suitable render with a Makehuman model.

Well, the crashes I had were not due to Helmut’s patch, but due to the complexity of particle hair in general.

Once I learned what to avoid, I had no problems.

Proof of concept video here:

Could you post the build you made? I’d like to try it out as well. I use Win 32 most often and Linux 64 when I have to circumvent memory issues.

Looking at the video, I think a custom collision object could maybe solve some of the mesh penetration issues.

Not a member of graphicall, but I’ll look into it.

+1 to touch your build :slight_smile: