[Custom Build] Blender pigeon - v2.79 (October 24th)

That would be nice, maybe it will force me to learn how to build myself.
Also thanks for the update… gonna give it a spin over the weekend.

Have a great time.

Ok, github repo here:


@burnin, yes, building is a pain sometimes :spin:
About the patch you are trying to include, it looks old so it sure will cause trouble but I think in the long run all those features are going to be implemented in official blender builds. I believe there is already some work going on with shadowcatcher.

I am currently more focused on implementing features that are very unlikely to be implemented ever in official blender builds because they don’t fit the current developers vision.

As can be seen on the git branch they are not really huge features but small and simple modifications, some have been tried many times but have always been rejected.

But, now that 2.8 is coming, maybe I can spend some time porting a few of those forgotten patches to 2.77 and maintain it for a time. Don’t know, I am not a great programmer and my blender code knowledge is limited.

Whatever your skills are, you do a great job with those simple options which save a lot of time in professional work. So thank you :slight_smile:

Hi Fjuhec,

Your repo can’t be merged automatically. Would it be possible to make a simple diff or to clean the history so that an easy merge become possible?


You can get a clean diff if you do it against blender-2.77-release:

git diff blender-v2.77-release pigeon-v2.77-release

or compare on github:

Also, now that it is on github I split the different changes so anyone can cherrypick what he wants.

Let me know if this works for you.

Yep it now works :slight_smile: Thank you.

Good to hear.

As you are using the source, in case you also apply this:

change line:



+        && (retval & OPERATOR_TRY_UNEMULATED)) {

It was not playing nice with COA tools but it is much to be expected from a hack. This change improves the hack a bit but it still having some issues with COA addon when emulate three buttons and RMB select are anabled.

Congratulations for having the custom build at Github now. That’s a big improvement. And hats off to your effort. I love the changes :slight_smile:

Thanks @Tiles!
I am still getting used to git, learning all the way :slight_smile:

Yes, you never stop learning :slight_smile:

Git is a special beast. When i would have known before how complicated even simple tasks can become, then i might have used something different. But git is on the other hand well known. And github is a really nice place for hosting an open source project :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tip. Would it be possible to use the viewport color (in the material-> settings when using cycles = the diffuse color in BI) panel for wireframes? It would simplify the process of setting up things and would make solid and wireframe mode consistent.

I think it is doable but as the viewport color is a single color and wire color is a triplet, the patch will have to create the other two colors from that single color. Any suggestions?

Edit: Also, as it is now, one can create a script that assigns a custom color derived from viewport color on all objects.

For the 3 colors, I would play either with brightness (more brightness for selected objects) and/or with line thickness with +1px for selected objects (outline width property in user preferences already offer something similar in solid mode). I think active object should not be customizable and have always the same color. It allows to always recognise the active object instantly.
The script is easy to do but need to be run manually every time you add a new object. Having this hardcoded allows to have it always up to date automatically and would fasten the workflow a lot.

Ok, I will take your suggestion into consideration and will try to add it to the patch.

Thank you. The new delete process is already a big time saver :slight_smile:

Hi, just uploaded a build rebased on master branch. No new features on the patch.
I’ve been trying to automate things on my build environments to try to provide more regular builds. First I will try with weekly builds.

Blender master - April 25th:

Binaries: http://www.pigeoncode.org/downloads/blender/master/

Let me know if you find any issues.

Hi @fjuhec,

is there the possibility to have bmesh boolean on boolean modifier?



I guess I can revert this commit https://developer.blender.org/rB932cfb98e7838ac5f78e548ab89be200c48f6006 in next week build.

But I don’t know why it was disabled, what bugs it may bring nor how to fix them or why it’s not enabled again after 2.77 release.

:smiley: it would be great!! Thank you!!