[Cycles] Helicopter material

Awesome model!

I like the video warnote…peharps you could put a song like this in the animation:


Thanks for following up. The download does seem to be broken. When you download it, it appears to download OK but when you open the file it is corrupted. If you get a chance to post the latest file that would be great! Great looking render!!!

It’s a good idea, tnx :wink:

Here the final video : http://www.youtube.com/wax78#p/a/u/0/QtPRLloZYEI&hd=1

Updated first post, added link - download helicopter model.

@numerical, TS1234: Link to tin box works for me, also expanding zip file.
I had a problem with helicopter scene. Downloading stopped with 5MB from 23MB and looked like OK. Expanding crashed of course.
Sorry for this problems. It never happen to me before with this server.

I was able to download the helicopter scene and unzip it. Thanks so much!

Update: materials in blend file fixed to 2.6.1 blender release

(@numerical: sorry, I didn’t notice I posted model from very first stage before)

@ warnotte. Cool Video, although the helicopter blades where a little slow, everything else was cool. It took a little while to get to the iconic part of the song, but it was cool. great work.


What an incredible image!

In order to model a robot that I’ve built, I’m trying to model some pieces like vklidu did :
I mean a curve modifier on curve.

Things works fine in wireframe mode, but when in solid mode, I get unattended results.

I’ve spend a lot of time tweaking params ( Fill deformed, Resolution, with or without extrude…)

I’ve never had the good result by myself, but it’s ok when dealing with original curves of vklidu.

Is there something that I’ve missed ?

The problem is simple : apply a curve modifier on a simple cyclic curve and have a correct result in solid mode
when moving the cyclic curve along the curve defined in the modifier.

Here are some screenshots of what I get.

Thank you very much for your help because this behavior of curve modifier on curve drives me crazy.

ps: I’ve tested on linux, on windows, with blender 2.59 an 2.61… same results.

:slight_smile: that is something i wanted to write in the first post too, or ask developers - why . . .
For some reason has to be deformation curve set 90 deg on Y axis.
(or something like this, check the blend file, it was only one think that helped me to avoid this problem)

I will try to check in few days if I wrote it right. Good luck


That’s what I finally noticed too. If I build my curves along the Y axis, it works perfectly.

Thank you!