Cycles_Matlib Beta Release! Help Wanted!

may be i’m wrong but skin mat cycle should use Ray Length for fake sss, thanks, cool mats :slight_smile:
moony, great stuff, thanks very much for your help :).

Let’s make this into something awesome :slight_smile:

Thanks. :slight_smile:

They could have fake sss matlib (call if fsss?) but Ray Length isn’t in 2.63, just sayin’.

Thanks a lot!

Materials here, they are pretty random, but you probably can find 2-3 materials that are quite interesting looking.

The idea is to have materials that looks like jelly worm candy. It has that rubbery look, with blurry specular. I used to have this toy that changes colour when frozen.

Here are a few more I have been working on.

Skin with pox

Soap Bubble (your sphere has to be solidified)

Lalique style translucent glass (with blue and pink translucency to try and mimic the pearlescent effect you get with some Lalique)

Solar Hydrogen alpha

awesome, they look great, thanks.

moony, your amazing, your materials are wonderful :slight_smile:
I just love the pox skin, simply wonderful :slight_smile:

And a couple more


Textured metal globe

would this one be possible?

Cycles Wireframe Shader

quick question:
What about shader tools?

For all who doesn´t know what it is:

Maybe a chance to combine both material solutions.

BR Ralf

Apologies for a potential dumb Q - But how does one go about “installing” this material library?


In this first stage you can “only” append materials in other .blend files.
Later Meta-Androcto would publish an addon to get the materials in the material slot without appending the materials.

Cheers, mib.

Thank you mib2berlin

I also would like to see some quality control on the materials included. Or, at least, can we ghettoize the bad materials into a “wacky” category or something? Having a million materials with no quality control is only slightly more useful than just making them all yourself.

The overall quality of most materials is pretty good.
The lib is yet to be finalized & I render every mat several times in different set ups & on different objects/scale.
You are quite welcome to list materials that you feel are no good & I’ll look at them on their individual merits.
car paint for example went from 50 to 25 materials quickly.

Considering the early stage of Cycles & early stages of this “Community Matlib” I think everyone is doing a terriffic job.
Thanks for all submissions so far.

Meta, what about letting people vote on each material, to know if it should stay or be removed from the library ?
You could setup a quick and simple online poll.

hi piiichan,
There’s many complex issues with a library like this.
I/we did think of a competition, a poll is a good idea too.
Some materials were simply placeholders, others still need sorting, which I’m doing as we speak.
I think the way things are shaping up there’s a fine selection, neatly organized with very few dud/bad materials.

Update coming soon!!
Much re-naming, better organization & more quality control :slight_smile:

updated materials & links in first post.
1 step closer :slight_smile:

We/Blend Swap will be reworking out materials section once this is completed

This will make sharing/importing/exporting materials much easier. Hopefully you will see a fully redesigned material section on Blend Swap with the launch of V5 in August or soon after.
Great stuff by the way guys.