Experiments and Prototypes


[Same as above, only 5 times bigger]



Wavy water- DOWNLOAD
Water that rises and falls, along with any objects that rest on top of it.

Floating Tests- DOWNLOAD
Objects that float and bob in the water. Mess around with the placement of objects if you want. Almost all floating logic is based in the cubes that I’ve hinged to the floating objects.
To make an object float.
1.) Copy one of the cubes.
2.) Add a rigid body hinge to the object you wish to float.
3.) Point it to the new floating cube.
(For best results add a Location Dampening of 0.5-0.9 and a Rotation Dampening of 0.5 or so and decrease the mass to around 0.5)

Walking Ragdoll-

Just something I thought of whilst messing about…

Walking Ragdoll V2-
Better Ragdoll, not the best walking…

Q- Left Leg
E- Right Leg
A- Turn Left
D- Turn Right
Space- Ragdoll toggle
Z- Toggle mouselook


Somebody said they wanted to try it… so here ya go!

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to access the internet reliably after today, since we start ACT’s tomorrow, which lasts Tuesday through Thursday and we won’t have school Friday… (yipee!:no:) and we’re starting a new trimester on Monday, so I’ll lose the only access to YouTube… (YIPEEE!!!)

ps. Having school as your only internet access point sucks major hairy butt…:frowning:

Messing around with more walking ragdolls…:smiley:

W to walk forward
LMB to fire the pulse cannon
RMB to fire the emp gun


cool tests :slight_smile:

Nice!!! The walking ragdoll is Very Funny!!!
That Hand Held Camera Effect is very nice! I’m thinking now in various professional games that just move the camera following the character… This effect increases the game experience!!!
I really want to test the hand held camera effect but I’m on OS X :frowning: Any chance?

Nice work, man! You can merge all this tests in a “game engine experience” game!!! :slight_smile:


That means just send you the .blend right? Because I can do that. If there’s any wonky conversion stuff then idunno…
And which one? The ‘Second Person’ test or the Combine one? Or both!

Thanks bro/bro-ette/bro-thing!

Just messing around with big things in my big world with bows and arrows and stuff…
Thought you guys and/or girls might enjoy it!

Yes! I want to test and understand how you did the handheld camera movement! I really like your result!
With a .blend if possible… OS X can’t run .exe easily… :slight_smile:

Summer! Nice weather. No school.
No consistent internet. Gotta love it.

I’ll have a link up to the blend as soon as I can find the darn thing!

In the meantime. Here’s a buncha’ crap.

Epic Scale RPG world- Super big worlds

Ronald Raygun- Particle Effects and recharging.

Uber’d Ronald Raygun- Same as above, but done differently.

Nice!!! Great tests.
I never seen some great and clever use of blender game engine as you’re doing here in this thread!
Keep it up! I like to watch your work.


A automatic-rifle made for testing reasons.

Mainly testing my new hands and player rig.

(Note: Walk cycle is intentionally harsh.)

How did you use particles in the BGE?

@DrewH - Lots and lots of small physics enabled planes. Not very efficient, but it works.

@eversimo - I keep forgetting to bring the file with me to teh internets. And I feel like I’ve already uploaded it somewhere… but I dunno. Sorry bro/bro-ette/bro-other… I:?

Anywho… Here’s a video of testing stuff…

Just random testing things.
Nothing secret.

No hidden stuff.


None at all…

I know it’s not Game Engine stuff… but I’m very happy with how the second one turned out.


I finally found the friggin’ files! Buried deep within my blends folder…

Hand-Held Setup > http://www.mediafire.com/?72j1wjtzu112j09

Hand-Held Setup with crap > http://www.mediafire.com/?1cvbyzk9ypkne7p