Family villa interiors - trying Cycles

nice clean interior. Vases not so good and some issues else, but great.
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Very jealous of all the talent here

Great job, fantastic lighting. How long did those renders take to complete in Cycles?

cycles really is a huge step for blender… and you show why.

best wishes

Great modeling. I like the lighting a lot. Not overly fond of the colors though but that is just a taste thing. Nice design looks very inviting.

I question the camera angles in some of the shots. I find them uncomfortable and awkward. It’s a great model though. Nice work!

Amazing work! Beautiful Lighting!

Nice lighting, however as someone who has stared at lots of home interior shots, I feel it is almost a little too well-lit.

I mean, if my house were that well-lit, I wouldn’t complain, but if we’re going for realism, showing it with its natural shadows at a particular time of day gives a better idea of how a place will look and feel when lived in. Even through large windows with diffuse blinds, you should find naturally occurring shadows will give a shot some contrast and texture, rather than dream-like studio lighting.

Having said that, I have no idea how you will achieve this.

Is amazing!! Very nice work!

wow! perfect lightning and nice furniture!

Great job, and amazingly clear considering how few samples you’ve used.

Beautiful render, I have always been afraid to go over 0.5 clamp, but after seeing this I might try a bit higher as I always seem to struggle with fireflies.

Beautiful work, definitely the most realistic work I’ve seen! Kudos!

what to say, absolutely fantastic. I really like the color combination and lighting too. marvelous… i am so impressed

Very nice family villa interior. Every thing looks great and even the colour combination also. I think this will help someone to build a great villa interior. All the best!

Very impressive materials!

Well done.

poetic image,lovely play of light and shadow :slight_smile: congrats!

If this is trying then I might as well quit now :slight_smile:

Stunning renders! By far some of the best work I’ve seen lately!