Free anatomicaly accurate skull. Get it here !

i think i saw this on the blender model resiprocity once…you did make this didnt you?

I think I did, although it’s starting to get old in my memory.
I posted it anywhere people could go looking for a skull…
I m pretty sure this one .blend will be a blast for halloween :wink:

unfortunately it didn’t download for me either, well it did, but it isn’t recognised as a valid .blend file.

well, anyway, the polarix isnt working at the moment, just search the blender model resiprocity, its there somewhere

Downloading now. I was looking for something free and cool to test DoF and glow nodes. This will be perfect. Maybe I can post the results here?

The links dead dude!!! :open_mouth: create another link? plzzzzzzzzzzzzz :smiley:

That’s cause it’s four years old… Please don’t revive dead threads

Halloween is all about coming back from the deads. So…

A new version of the skull has been uploaded.

Hope it will be useful and stay online longer than polorix…

Where has it been uploaded? Personally, I’d recommend Blendswap.

This is a terrific model and it’s awesome that you’re giving it away.

That said, I’m going to be a dick and point out that your temporomandibular joint is misaligned, your ear canal is non-existent, and there’s no way you could fit an eyeball into those conical orbital cavities.

Wow… You are a “dick” I just had to reply to that!

I updated the original post. The link is way up there on megaupload.

If there are any official repository, I will be happy to add the model to avoid future link failures.

Polorix seemed solid at the time…

:eyebrowlift: I should also add that the sutures are off, I lack all the basic canals for the nerves. The main explanation is that I lost the previous skull and had to restart from a previous less advanced version. Instead of the medical data I used before and that I can not find anymore, I used the Gray’s anatomy picture found on the web :frowning: and they are not ideal for that task.

:smiley: But I think it will be suitable for all those who been sending “duuuude where’s the skull.blend” mails to my mailbox lately (I guess 31st of october might be a good explanation).

But making a really accurate skull that could be used for medical imaging could be a good idea… I just have to get my hands on accurate MRI data… :spin:

Great work!!!
I would also recomend uploading it on Blenderswap
That way it will reach much more people, who may miss this thread!

Amazing…Yesterday was digging through my old files for a skull that I once had (must be the season)…No luck…maybe still on an old HD…AND… I haven’t been to BA in at least a month…busy times…so…THANKS ALOT.