FREE Squash&Stretch Ball rig Ver 1.1

I thought that this would bring you some old memories :-)))

Please forgive me for the maybe Noob question.

What if we want to increase the speed in which the ball roles. I am asking because if you change the overall size of the ball you would have to change the script to update the speed the ball spins. Is that something that can be done easily?

Math class:
2phir is always the same no matter how fast your wheel is.
If your will have the race between Ferrari and old Ford taking one mile and Ferrari will make it in just a few seconds but Ford in couple of minutes in fact their wheels will roll the same (distance). The Ferrari will just move faster.

So you should not change anything in the script. It is just the question of timing and spacing of your keys when animating.

Just try to animate your ball to move 10 bledner units X direction. It takes just two animation keys. First time make your animation keys at frame 1 and 10 in the time-line, second time at frame 1 and 50 of the time-line. You will see the difference :slight_smile:

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I saw that.


Well then, may I be the first to congradulate you on making it to blendernation :smiley:
the ball feels like a 3ds max squash stretch modifier :slight_smile: - nicely done!

The rig feels very professional, very nice, and ahhh… animation is soo much easier :slight_smile:


Great rig!
I’ve never been able to rig a ball properly myself (yes, i’ve tried, many times).
Anyway, very good job.
I think you should add a control for the middle of the ball,
making it possible to bend it, and make it thicker in on end,
and so forth.

I just happened to be experimenting on a ball with shape keys and drivers to
learn how to do this stuff. Thanks for sharing. I am exited to study this.


I change little things in this rig, for make more “animator friendly”.

  • All handlers are bones.
  • 1 group for all bones, collapse group and work like “maya keying”.
  • Edit the shapes of handlers.
  • Add 2 script SpaceHandler for view layer bones in 3dview.
  • Layer bones 1 transformation, 2 Squash&Stretch, 3 AutoRoll switch.
  • Sorted layer object.

Nice improvements! Many of them were on my to-do list :-). So thank you to save me time and work :-)))

Cesio, it looks like you have changes lattices behaviour, in some poses there are some incorrect shapes -

sorry, handler bone was deform, fixed

Cesio, would you be so kind and advice how did you do the visualisation of bone layers in 3d view possible? Is it some kind of special python script or patch or is it some new function in 2.46. Thank you very much for your answer.

“layers in 3d view” is a python script inside .blend, to enable it activate “Script links”, Buttons window->script-> “Enable Script Links”
also, is needed activate the space handler script in 3d view (by default is enabled) View -> Space Handler Scripts > (2 scripts, draw and event)

it works like layer objects in the header of 3d view.

Is there anyway to make the autoroller script work with the SVN?

Everything else seems to work perfectly, but I can’t get it to roll. I installed the RC, and it works, but nothing is configured the same as it is in my other install, so it’d be nice if I could get it to work in the SVN. :slight_smile:

Awesome rig, though.

Hobo Joe, I had no problems with SVN builds, but did not test the latest days ones. In upcoming Blender 2.46 rig should work well (I hope).

My build is fairly old… 04-06, I’m going to try a newer build, I’ll report back with my results.

Well, when I tried a build from 04-30, I had the same problem, but once I updated to a build from 05-10 it worked fine. I dunno what the problem was, but I’m glad it’s fixed now. :slight_smile:

Good to hear this. Anyway thank you for your notice.

How do you change the color of the ball in JiriH’s rig? It won’t let me select the ball, and I want to change the material.

Just go to outlier window and activate arrow which represents the possibility to select the object.

More info here: (Toggling object-level restrictions chapter)