Fungus and more fungus

Hi Jose, you’ve created a colorful image here and I can see that a lot of work went into it!

I like the color combination. I also like the composition as a whole. The viewer has a clear point to focus on, because of the centered layout. And you give some other things to detect with the little fungus.

A minor critique would be that in my opinion the clouds don’t fit really into the image. I think they don’t match the style of the rest of the image, because they are too unrealistic. And I wonder why the grass is blurry while everything else is clear and sharp.

The image has a nice cartoony look. And the strong value of your colors of red, green and blue supports that. And the materials are very detailed. Good work.

Thanks very much Minoribus for all your comentary! you have totally the reason about the clouds and grass. The reason is because I first use the smoke generator, a bad decission because for some reason I have lazy to search the cloud generator xD, but today after I see you comentary I decide leave the lazy and search about that, and I found that Add on is very powerfull and easy to use. About the grass is because the old results I don´t like much how looks the grass mesh, but definelly is necesary have a lot of instances for have a “decent” result.

Thanks again for the feedback, is really helpfull, I leave the image up together the another for you see the diference, and tell me what do you think about the changes.



I love the additional friends you’ve added in the background, Jose! I think it adds a great bit of depth to the world and makes the image more fun. I don’t mind the clouds myself; they are certainly whimsical, which I think fits the idea of a mushroom with eyes!

Nice work Jose :slight_smile: As minoribus mentioned, the colors look very nice. The red, green and blue combination looks very pleasing on the eye. The extra fungus in the background adds a nice touch to this scene and something interesting to look at.