GSoC Wishlist

Interface - can we have coloured wireframes in the viewports? Wireframe colours defined by user

Interface - improved layer management. User defined layer names and colours.

Interface - optional viewport rotation locking. This would stop user from accidentally rotating view and having to manually reset it. Would still allow zooming and panning.

Hard Physics Simulation - bullet integration throughout Blender and not just in Game Engine.

Scripting - word completion and dictionary(s) in text editor.

thanks for reading

Texture paint - photoshop (gimp) layers, like mudbox, maxon bodypaint 3D

rewrite BI: more features e speed…
because cycles is cool but biased is better…and faster…

Most of the features are listed enough, but i must agree specially with all the texture painting related ones, and the bmesh modelling overhault of course.

Time for wishes :slight_smile:

In fact I currently have only one wish. But maybe it’s to big for GSoC:

Fisheye Camera:
This is the main thing I’m currently missing in my workflow. I’m using some tricks, to get to a result, which is ok, but not great.
Here are some Informations about equiangular fisheye projektion:

Reasons for this wish:

  1. Fisheye Images with 180° FoV or more are used in digital planetarium projections
  2. a fisheye camera gives an artist yet another great tool for a visual effect

current workarounds:

  1. mirrored sphere
  2. multiple cameras + panorama tools to stitch
    (both workarounds have disadvantages)

I had planned, to look into this myself, but maybe there is someone out there with more knowhow.

A quick note: “make ‘XYZ’ faster” is usually not a good GSoC project.

cycles will be biased.

cycles is not like Luxrender. cycles will be a biased raytracer

Game Engine -

  1. Rendering Speedup would be awesome!
  2. Blenderplayer port for mobile devices(ie. Android, IOS(Don’t know if open source works well with the appstore))
    The Blender Game Engine has already a lot of features! And it is definately possible to create high quality content now!
    I think a next important step is to publish those content on mobile devices! Thats the future!!!
    I don’t know if such a project can be achieved within the gsoc, but I would love to see developement into this direction!

Thanks for your attention! Great to here, that the community is involved into this projects!

was there any work done on retopology tools in 2011? i remember that there were some problems because bmehs was not finished. since bmesh will be out in summer 2012 what about some retopology tools? for example detailed painting.

Bump viewport/BGL to OpenGL 3.3 or better yet 4.2.

@ rebellion , try in vertex paint mode, Paint -> Dirty Vertex Colors.
@ Benni-chan

IMHO, most important needed features are :
Texture Mapping Previewing according to render for Blender Internal.
Cycles will take again months or years of development to be ready to compete to BI in all domains.
In my opinion, 2.4 Viewport Preview Rendering was the better solution.
It works even on netbooks with poor OpenGL support.

Bmesh modelling tools polishing
I don’t know how advanced it would be for GSOC but it will probably have work to do for new tools.

Less urgent features are :
Retopologizing and Sculpt Tools
avocado retopo slice. good workflow between multires and remesh and skin modifier.
Texture Painting Improvments
Ptex, bump+color
Node Particles
I am waiting 2.49 reactor particles since 3 years. But I can wait again one year without becoming mad.
Fluid Simulation
Surfacing for fluid particles or Thin fluids improvments.

And finally, all organizing stuff(outliner, asset manager) and interface goodies like Wireframe color, Viewport gradient or UI tweak for horizontal panels.

BMesh Modeling - when creating a new primitive give users an option to create default uvs as well

thanks, but that’s not exactly the same… sure, i could transform that equirectangular to a circular equiangular fisheye, but a lot of the rendered image wouldn’t be needed and rendertimes would be unnecessary high.
the panorama camera always gives a FoV(x) of 360° and FoV(y) of 180°
what i would like is a user choosable FoV for x and y (i regularly need values between 180° and 260° for both axis), resulting in a circular, equiangular fisheye image.
i believe, this is something, that can be displayed with opengl, so a preview in the 3dview should be possible (not possible with panorama camera)
the game engine already has this included (dome).

Develop a Blender Game Engine Player for the iPAD3.
This would be a lot of fun. Blender Games on the the iPAD!

Sooner or later Blender needs to get into the mobile world.
I’m for sooner.

Ok, I got a very specific list:

+1 for work on fluid particle surfacing (actually surfacing for any particles/point clouds)

+1 for Bullet in the viewport (Aligorith is already working on it again)

Fluid sim multithreaded or even OpenCL

Anything that helps Lukas Toenne with his particles refactor

Smoke Sim improvements:

  • Not just particles as source for smoke but any geometry (like object faces, volume etc.)
  • Fuel for smoke sim

Better support for working with LODs
It would be great to have a possibility to preserve UVs while merging and editing high res models to prepare low res models. That works good quite well in 3d Max. It’s very important for effective pipeline for 3d models used in games, where you have to prepare several LODs for each object.

+1 What he said.

Import/Export: Add proper FBX Y-Up support. Right now objects/matrices are just rotated to look right, but a 0,0,0 rotation in Blender should be a 0,0,0 rotation in Unity.

UV Unwrapping: Maintain symmetry and/or scale in auto-unwrapping, specifically angle based

Scripting: improve text editor, right now it’s only useful for small scripts, when it gets more complicated external editors are required unfortunately.

Scripting: py-everything! py-areas, py-panels, py-nodes

Modelling (General): True parametric objects that need to be converted to meshes before editing

UV Unwrapping: UV Map Modifier. Project primitive-shaped uv cage, ie. sphere, plane, box, cylinder, etc.

That’s me… DONE!

My whishlist is rather short, but also necessary:

- Better layer manager and more than 20 layers.

The ones using Blender for Archviz will be really happy the day this happens :slight_smile:

Layer view in outliner

And – what the heck since its open source

Why not just integrate GIMP into Blender – pretty much when you go into UV/image editor, it becomes embedded GIMP. this could add a whole lot of power to Blender, and, since it’s open source, it doesnt’ (maybe) need to be a whole lot of extra work.