HEDGEWARS 3D a clone of Worms 3D

Blender isn’t really an engine made for “real” games. It’s way to disorientating in the layout.

i watching tutorials. But my questions are to speciall

the game shall better and it work. i think whit help shall it very good

Here is the latest file. the weapon does not change (help please). I’ve installed a bullet sript. the bullet script adden a sphere. Could make the sphere hole. how can I make that ???

THE FILE: http://www.fileuploadx.de/71769

a lot of your questions can be answered by simple tutorials.

Well I looked at the file and first of all there are no textures on anything but the background. Second of all the scene is way more high poly than it needs to be.

when uploading the textures are gone. here is a file with textureshttp://www.fileuploadx.de/300667

Well the water if that even is what it’s supposed to be the texture is really odd and it is really high poly

I do not know how to make good water in game. can you explain that to me

As I have said before watch some tutorials there are many that can help

give me the link when you have a tutorial about water in the game engin