How do you set up a render farm?

Well I spent many hours rewriting this thing and think it is coming along pretty good.

I my client has options to simulate connection interrupts and reconnecting, and even changing it’s name and reconnecting as a new client, all to beat the heck out of my host for testing.

After hours of successful testing I turned on the screen recorder and sure enough finally got one frame duplicated on two clients.

The setup is this:
I have 4 clients waiting to connect, all in test mode set to simulate rendering a frame in 0-1 seconds.
I make the job 300 frames and start.
I force client “Jepco” into a timeout, the host times him out, and moves the frame (187) that he was working on to the overflow buffer.
When the original frame buffer is empty, the host will start to send out frames from the overflow buffer.
If a client is timed out and the frame # they were working on goes into the overflow, and they show back up later during the job reporting that frame finished, if that frame is in the overflow buffer, it is removed and sent to the main done buffer, and to client specific frame done buffer.
In this example video, frame 187 is given to client “nolan16” at the end of the job, but client “Jepco” replied to host at that exact moment, and frame 187 was duplicated in the two clients.
This is the first time I was able to get this to happen, but another part of my host program found it.
At the end of the job, all individual client buffers(frames they did) are cross referenced with every other client to look for duplicates, if any are found, as you can see the host will let you know what clients it was duplicated in.
The video also shows I added job and individual client history per job, a feature I added because I had one client screw up an animated texture I was using and all his frames were bad, if I had this history feature then, I could have made a new render job out of just those frames that client screwed up.

Anyway a picture is worth a thousand words, so how about a thousand pictures… lol
I would like to have a couple people that could use this to test it out for me before I make my scripts freely available.

Please let me know at [email protected] or [email protected]
The video is DivX and 18mgs.

The Video

I am not seeing my mapped drive on the file browser within blender?

I do have a common network drive R: and I cant get to it through the external version of blender?

Okay, I am reviving an old thread. Sorry. But I have found a much simpler way than the aforementioned script is to have a bunch of computers rendering the same blendfile to a network storage folder, with “Touch” and “No Overwrite” turned on in the rendering options. This way all nodes will automatically pick the next frame which is not being worked on without the need for a server to tell them what to do.