Ian Hubert - Sketchbook

And how did you light this?? Is it a plane with an emission material? I don’t know if it’s compositing or colour correcting but I would be interested in making a lighting like this.

Tyko: Oh! I think that’s just a HDRI (the yellow bits), with a couple bright point lights up above. I’ve been enjoying using bright white lights as the key/rim.

The materials on the engines and stuff are mostly all the same material. Just a jpg glossy/diffuse shader mix with a little displacement. There are also a few greebles I made out of taking some pictures of old machinery and applying them over some low-poly geometry, and I just copy-paste em around if I want something to look more detailed. If I can upload blend files as attachments here, I’ll do it when I’m back on the right computer- it’s a handy material.

Thanks, man!

That would be awesome!

in terms of technical modeling in a scene these are some of the most impressive renders I’ve seen. The one thing I have to complain about is that a lot of your renders hide the obsessive amount of detail achieved with dark moody lighting. :slight_smile:

your work is amazing and inspiring, keep rocking!

If you want an atmospheric image though and unless you want an image that looks like it was illuminated with a camera flash, then it would be difficult to make every detail clearly visible without making the lighting feel flat.

When people want to show off detail, they post another image with the intent of showing the wireframe.

True, but I was joking around, it’s just hard to express my usual emotions through text.

But as I said fantastic work keep it up. Some of these really are up to film quality.

Haha, thanks! And yeahhh, maybe I’m getting a bit too crazy in the crushed blacks. To be honest though, usually that’s kind of the point. Most of this is for random film work, with the shots flashing by quickly, and usually the bulk of them are made up of kind of senseless greebles, and the feeling of “complex stuff going off into darkness” is what I’m going for, without really giving the viewer the ability to see it’s total gibberish.

I’m trying to spend a bit more time on the current project, a motorcycle thing. It’s gotta transform at one point, so I have to make a lot of the interior stuff make sense, too. I have to see if I can make a realistic little CG dude to ride on it, too. Proving to be a good challenge, so far :D.


It looks awesome so far! How do you steer this thing? can you give a zoom in of that, please?

Thanks! And yeah! It’s just a regular column from the handlebars down to the wheels. I have it all just parented to an empty right now, but it looks like it´ll animate pretty well!


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awesomeness! how did you do the plating (a quick tutorial maybe)?

m_squared: It’s just a handy image texture with some glossy/diffuse/displacement settings! I attached it below, if you want to use it. It works best if your model looks like it could have been made by fastening sheet metal over some sort of internal frame (this sort of stuff).

Also here are some details from the steering column. None of which’ll be visible under the cowling, but whatever.


simplified plating.blend (733 KB)

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thanks for the file, it explained a lot!

nice additions, looks really good.

Well, that is a lot of greebles. Lovely work here, thank you for sharing.

Trying to finalize an old WIP for Dynamo- mostly just optimization; Finally got it to under 20 minutes per frame, though! (it was originally an hour per frame, which was a little crazy).

It’s an establishing shot for a scene, so it has to blend with a real section of set we built, using projection mapping. At some point I’m going to do a 3d scan of the actors so I can stick em in there too.

It’s still in progress, but if you want to see the shot as it stands,



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And a view looking up through the grate.


That is really cool and way better than the previous episode special effects and i thought ep5 was way ahead of the rest.

What texture do you use for the buildings?

Ah, thanks Tyko! Yeah, this is the first episode to really implement cycles; it’s really helped the realism, IMO.

The building textures are a mixture of things, but most of the ones in the background are just a collection of cgtexture images projected on low-poly geometry. I also have a few alpha channels set up designating reflections and emissions for the windows.

Here’s a quickie (kit bashed together last night from a bunch of pre-existing bits/greebles)- but I like how it turned out! The tiny bit of noise wiggle on a few of the components goes a long way, I think.

If you want to see it in motion:


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It seems like this image wasn’t uploaded properly, or the link got broken, but t wnothing there. Just wanted to let you know.

Huh! It doesn’t show up on my phone, but it shows up on my computer (both in the original post and your quote of it). Weird :confused: Thanks!