Indian Raider

cool, but as others have said the horse is “off”
needs to be longer from shoulder to back legs…(stretch it out)
add in some more Ribs, and more lumbar vertebrae,
neck is probably a little on the short side as well.

This is art…good job…I have no other words.

Outside of the horse, I dig this piece really nicely. The native American is great at this angle.

I love it! Wow!

Utterly breathtaking.

Even with all the criticisms, the composition, lighting, DOF and sheer skill makes this a very, very convincing image.

This work (and all the recent banners) are serving to hoist Blender banner ever higher.


Very impressive.

This one is great! Could be cool to add some Motion Blur :wink:

It would certainly be comedic to add motion blur to a mounted clay figure.

Blown away. Amazed and inspired.

Completly EPIC. I wish I had as much skill as you.

Amazing Work! I love this scene.
But one Question: Is it really rendered at 5000000 samples? Or did you mean 5k samples? I can´t tell it by your answer to Kramon (because I can´t see any noise at the final picture):

@ Kramon
Because of the DOF… Even at 5k it’s still quite noisy imho.

Also, could you tell the render time? That would be nice.

Yes, that was my mistake :slight_smile: I was going to write 5k = 5000 :slight_smile:

3:30h on Dual Xeon [email protected]/12Gb RAM in 1050x1440 resolution

Awesome work! :smiley:

Just a note, “Indian” is considered derogatory among First Nations. Just thought I’d throw it out there. :stuck_out_tongue:

The horses head is TIIIIIIIIIIIINY but nice sculpt!

I agree that horse proportions could be better but I think with horses is just like with the people, there are patterns, body proportions ratios etc, but if you take a look at the people on the street you will see diversity. We have Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito…
If I take for example this photo and put it on the background and rotate the neck/head of my sculpt a little bit then the silhouette is almost the same…

I’m not going to defend myself, I definitely could (if I had skill which I do not posses or if I spend more time on it) do it much, much better (just search for horses made in ZBrush by professionals then you will see how it should look) but as I said that was just an exercise and as such must be affected by errors :slight_smile:

I have a great respect for the Native American people and I would not like offend anyone by any chance. We all know that Christopher Columbus made a mistake when he reached the shores of the North America… but you know, I have used the word “Indians” for my entire life in very positive meaning and this word is used commonly in literature and movies. Take a look here:

But recently (because for the last two years I’m working with people from India) the meaning of the word “Indians” has change even for me :slight_smile:
In polish we have a completely different word for native people of India based on the religion Hindu and the word “Indians” means “the indigenous peoples of North America”

I have been experimenting with Blender sculpting.
Can you give any tips?

That horses neck seems a little too short… Great Work!

Fantastic! I agree with not correct horse proportions, but I certainly couldn’t do better than this!

here is a horse you can use for proportions and have some eye candy too… :smiley:
or a whole bunch