Instagram princess

yeah whenever you get the chance id love to see it. even if you inbox me a pic of the messy one. having severe troubles with my attepmts at skin

Amy Winehouse! :slight_smile:

some people have commented it already but it really looks like Amy Winehouse!
awesome work!:slight_smile:

sorry, but she looks like the artist formerly know as prince

Nice overall, but the face is off (unless that’s the exact look you were going for). Anyway, here’s my quick attempt at improving it.

Awesome. Love all the detail, like tattoos, stylized hair. It`s easy to feel her "instagram princess " attitude through that look.

This looks amazing. Did you sculpt the hair?

Well, I like Amy Winehouse better than Prince…
LetJimiTakeOver, thanks, but I think your version looks too babyface.
chrleon, thanks! I used paths with bevel objects for the hair. :slight_smile: